OCR Rendition - approximate
Characterisation, especially by Letters 569 suffering from incipient pneumonia. He became rapidly worse and was put by friends in a nursinghome, his wife having no previous idea of it, and being then happy with the Pearsons, and he was dead in a few hours, his wife reaching him while he was still conscious but very ill indeed. He was one of the strongest of men constitutionally, but took liberties with his strength. It has cast a gloom over this house. We go to Lucy Studdy to-morrow, Wednesday, and the plans are to stay there over Friday night and to go to Claverdon Leys from Saturday to the ensuing Thursday. The next Saturday-Monday I go to the Frank Butlers who have a charming little house at Witham. He is now full Inspector of Schools and will probably before long be promoted to London work. One effect of the fire at St Jean de Luz has been to show how much fatter I have grown of late years. Certain clothes, left in my wardrobe of recent years, have been tried on and found too tight, and are being sent to the tailors to alter up to date. I heard of a man who said to his tailor, "I am now forty and never had occasion to be re-measured by you." The tailor smiled and said, "We generally ease the fit a little when our customers seem growing stout, without troubling them about it." I can't now take enough exercise to keep muscles fit; it is no good trying. It only fatigues and I have capital digestive health as it is. Chamberlain never takes exercise, neither did the late Lord Salisbury. I have now got back with proper appliances to my "Resemblance," but am less confident than I was of getting useful results ; the theory is all right, which is something though not enough. You will have enjoyed this weather. I hope that Dartmoor won't be set alight. Many moors are burning, I see. We have had long sits in the Park, which is growing beautiful. Dear old England. She has merits. Best loves. Ever affectionately yours, FRANCIS GALTON. CLAVERDON LEYS, WARWICK. Saturday, April 21, 1906. (I go to Rutland Gate on Thursday.) DEAREST MILLY, On arriving here about lunch-time I found your letter. Guy's chill, Amy's influenza, and the combined want of Cook and Parlour-Maid are a large tale of mishaps. The bitterly cold weather of the last few days and the blackened moor fill your cup almost to overflowing. Claverdon gardens and shrubbery are greatly improved. All the former stuffiness from overgrowth of trees is gone without any sign of bareness. The ground too is judiciously levelled here and banked there, so it is becoming both pretty and interesting. Edward and M. L. look very well. The voyage and change of scene had become a necessity, for they were overworked. Lucy and Col. Studdy seemed quite well, though he is not so really, but he mends slowly. Their house is very pretty. Lucy's embroideries, framed and hung on the walls, make a brave show. I read through the typewritten copy of Bessy's memoir, which is very readable by any one and full of interest to her own family. It wants "perspective," treating all occurrences too much on the same scale. We are discussing how to treat it to the best advantage, by adding notes and illustrations, and probably printing it for private circulation. Eva is quite done up, I fear, and fit only for quiet at present. She has Gwen Chafy with her, otherwise the house for the moment is almost shut up. The loss of Weldon is a severe one, from many different points of view. I attended the funeral service at Merton College on Wednesday, but the weather was far too bitter for me to go to the Cemetery. All was very sad, and through change of address I am temporarily out of touch with the Pearsons, and through them with Mrs Weldon. His death will modify many of our future plans and movements. It is very sad for us, and almost desolation to the Pearsons. I did not go yesterday to see Eva's stained window given over to the church at Ettington. It was too cold, but Lucy went and brought back Constance Pearson for the night. I left her with them. What a large scale she is on! I must leave off now as tea is coming in and it is nearly post-time. Very best loves. Ever affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. April 28, 1906. DEAREST MILLY, Yes, the window in Ettington new Church was put up by Eva and her brothers and sisters to the memory of their Father, Eva taking all the trouble and bearing nearly all the cost. She has lent Count Russell's book; you shall have it in time. There is little in it bearing on the picturesqueness of the lower heights, but great lamentation over the want of enterprise in not building hotels, etc., upon them, as in Switzerland. I will read the P G 111 72