OCR Rendition - approximate
568 Life and Letters of Francis Galton the Order, and a good library, besides some idea of Loyola's own surroundings. But there is nothing of that. Plenty of gorgeousness in marble and gold, small taste, and nothing of graphic historical value. However the drive, etc., was most picturesque and to-day the cold rain has recommenced. I got a ring of no value, which may do for Amy, with the Spanish equivalent to SOUVENIR or LOYOLA upon it. It shall be sent with the brooch. I amm writing on my knee in a bad light, the morning is so dark and dreary. We sleep to-night at St Jean de Luz. Ever affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON.. I don't know where to tell you to send your next letter to me, so don't write at all ! 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. April 7, 1906. (I enclose the German pamphlet of which: I wrote and promised to send.) DEAREST MILLY, It is so pleasant feeling in one's own clean home again and receiving smiling welcome. We had an excellent passage cross-channel and all is well, except that Eva has a rather bad head cold and keeps half this day in bed. I send the brooch and ring; also, I have ordered to be sent to you, from me Skeat's Concise Etymological Dictionary which is the book you refer to and is I find a capital book to lie about, at hand when wanted. You praise me too much in your letters, .please don't any more. This reminds me of a true story of the present Lord Thring when he was Parliamentary draughtsman' and had in consequence to discuss familiarly the terms of proposed Government bills with the Cabinet Ministers who introduced them. He was very outspoken and uncourteous-like and talked of everybody as d...d fools. Bob Lowe one day said to him "Now, Thring, we will understand once for all that everybody except ourselves are d...d fools, so you need not trouble. to repeat it, and let us stick to business." By the way, Lord Thring. told me in answer to a question, that of all the many Cabinet Ministers with whom he had worked, he rated Gladstone and Disraeli as quite the first. He said they were of different "clay" from other men. On the first occasion, he put Ayrton third, but in later years when I asked him to verify my recollections, he did not particularly dwell on Ayrton. We did not do much sight-seeing- in Paris, only Notre-Dame, Sainte Chapelle, Louvre twice, etc. Eva quite thinks our unpretentious hotel would-suit,you. You have to give three days' notice before leaving and would of course have to arrange before coming, and not take your chance on arrival. I have seen but few friends yet, being busy. One was William Darwin just now, when for the first time I saw the Noteworthy Families book, Murray having omitted to send me a copy, knowing I was abroad. I tea-ed yesterday with Miss Baden-Powell (who does the honours of the house), having just found a card asking me to come. There is a wonderful collection of curiosities, Ashanti as well as S. African. She had a wire gauze thing like this ![]() with a cross-bar to hold it by to put tea in, and to lower it into the teapot. It is taken out after standing long enough. She got hers at the Army and Navy Stores. It seems a capital plan.- I have just got such a pretty card of invitation to a golden wedding, with portraits of the pair 50 years ago and now. It is from Sir William and Lady Crookes. Also, a still more ornate and grand card, engrossed in black and red letters, of invitation to a 400th centenary of Aberdeen University in September. It is all in Latin and drawn up in a very complimentary form. But I can't accept, it is too far and bustly. Sir George Darwin has gone to Philadelphia, as the representative of England at the forthcoming Benjamin Franklin commemoration. His wife is a descendant, great-grand-daughter, of a fellow-worker of Franklin. So it is very appropriate. Ever affectionately, with many loves, FRANCIS GALTON. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. April 17, 1906. DEAREST MILLY, I am glad you like the brooch and Skeat, and Amy her very unpretentious but characteristic ring. The sudden death of my-I might almost say colleague and-friend, Professor Weldon, has been a great grief and will be a serious scientific loss to my other colleague and friend, Professor Karl Pearson. - Weldon came to London- alone for a night or two, while