OCR Rendition - approximate
Eugenics as a Creed and the Last Decade of Galton's Life 427 advances, and there are many such cases-after pestilences-in colonies-etc. The way in which the Dutchmen of the Cape multiplied was remarkable. Hopefulness seems a powerful aid; despondence is a powerful check. Have you seen Whetham's singularly clear and powerful lecture, delivered at Trinity College, Cambridge, of which he is a tutor? If you have not, I would send you my copy to read. Bernard Shaw is about to give a lecture to the Eugenics Education Society. It is to be hoped that he will be under self-control and not be too extravagant. Wee Ling now weighs 16'1 lbs., and though usually the reverse of aggressive, flew at a bigger puppy than himself of a commoner breed, to the loudly-expressed disapprobation of its owners, who were taking him for a walk. All goes on as usual with us. Affectionately yours, FRANCIS GALTON. THE RECTORY, HASLEMERE. March 6, 1910. MY DEAR KARL PEARSON, We hope to be back for good at 42, Rutland Gate, on March 21st (Easter being March 27). It would be only too delightful if you could come and see me during that week. Select your own date and I will make my plans suit. Possibly you might be persuaded to spend a quiet night with us! Will you ? Eva and I had doubts as to where the pretty card with the quotation from Meredith came from. We suspected it was Mrs Pearson, now that I know, please thank her from me, gratefully. A letter from Heron about the antagonism of leading members of the Eugenics Education Society makes me unhappy. A quotation from a paper by Dr Slaughter justifies his contention fully. The passage seems to me inappropriate, untrue and in the worst taste. I have written to Mrs Gotto, who sees much of him, to point out this privately to him and otherwise to help in the cause of harmony. I don't like, just yet, to take a stronger course. How unwise many people are ! Like you, I in my small way have been a little plagued by retarded printing. An article of mine, long in type, will I expect really appear in this week's Nature. The profiles in it may amuse you. Ever affectionately yours, FRANCIS GALTON. THE RECTORY, HASLEMERE. March 10, 1910. MY DEAR KARL PEARSON, Heron's paper on Environment and Intelligence is indeed a credit to the Laboratory. How greatly he has improved, under your eye and help, since he first came. There is a weight and fulness in his writing now, that can hardly, I think, be further improved. I do not write to him myself, simply as a matter of discipline. It is better that praise should come from you or through you. I have done all I can, within reasonable limits, to put a stop to the vagaries of members of the Council of the Eugenics Education Society, in which I am warmly seconded by Crackanthorpe and Mrs Gotto. Bernard Shaw* has been another difficulty but I trust that matters will now improve. If they had the men, the Society might do really good work in emphasising such points as those brought forward by Heron, whether on the incompleteness of the present school statistics, or, as in a former paper, on the registration of the insane. Ever affectionately yours, FRANCIS GALTON. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S. W. March 25, 1910. MY DEAR KARL PEARSON, We are safe back and I have now thrown off some bad effects of the little journey. Do come soon. Wee Ling is grown, of course, and Miss Biggs is very fond of him. But London is a bad place for pet dogs and Wee Ling cannot be trusted loose, as he runs wildly after stray dogs to play with them. We think of finding a home for him during the summer and have two possibilities in view. According to the first plan, he would be taken by my niece, Violet Galton, to Warwickshire on Tuesday next and be left with my nephew, Edward Wheler, who is knowing about dogs, acting as Judge in some great shows and sending his retrievers to win prizes at others. So if you could come here Saturday, Sunday or Monday you would see the little creature before he goes. Fix your own time. I have no engagements and am always rejoiced to see you. Ever affectionately yours, FRANCIS GALTON. * Anecdotes of the famous have always a peculiar flavour. The Eugenics Education Society had asked Bernard Shaw to give a lecture, and some members of its Council had been somewhat in doubt about the matter. All Galton's contribution to the quandary was : " I don't mind good jokes, but Bernard Shaw makes such bad ones." 54--2