OCR Rendition - approximate
426 Life and Letters of Francis Galton We have got the scheme for recording eyesight and home-environment of Jewish children started. But we want more volunteer social workers. We propose doing 800 boys and 800 girls, but seeing and scheduling 500 or 600 homes will be a heavy task for one worker, Miss Rosenheim. I wish we could find a couple more Jewish ladies. Then I have been interviewing a Prison Commissioner to try and get an extension of the time for those working at the Criminal Statistics. I have recently found some rather good Eugenics materials-on the lives of girls committed to Industrial Schools and afterwards followed for perhaps 6 to 10 years. Also very good material on physically defective children in Liverpool which I hope to get access to-they keep a fairly full account of the parents and what becomes of the children. Did you see Major Darwin's address? It seemed to me quite well put and likely to do good. I have put in the "New Year's Greeting" a paragraph suggesting the sort of statistics that are needed, and hope to let you have a revise as soon as the diagrams are engraved. It is very good of you to say so much about the paper. My regret is that I am so slow in fulfilling requests and suggestions. Now as to the Laboratory. Of course I want very much to see it go on and develop. The time is ripe for this sort of work and if we make it a success, it will be taken up at other places and then a real knowledge of what makes for true national greatness will be reached. Heron will certainly, I think, leave this year. His big paper is completed. He has grown a good deal, and has been very sympathetic and helpful. He has been helping much more in the laboratories and did quite good teaching work with the six workers we had in the Laboratory last term. I have got to try and find him a berth, but I think it ought to be possible. I expect a medical officer will come for training this term and there are sure to be one or two others. Miss Elderton also has done a good deal of teaching work last term. Miss Rosenheim, who is to do the Jewish homes, was in her charge; Miss Barrows, who has gone out to Jamaica to investigate the characteristics of half-breeds, and Miss Jones were both more or less in her hands. I hope Miss Jones will come back and take up the Industrial School girls-it would be a good bit of work. We want badly these trained social workers to go out and work for the Laboratory. But we have made a beginning. I think the work has been very good all round this last term and we really had not a vacant seat some days in the week. Unfortunately Miss Ryley got rheumatic fever, and this checked the Treasury work till I found Miss Jones was very excellent at drawing pedigrees. Harelip is done, the section on Cataract nearly done, and Haemophilia and Dwarfism practically complete and ready for engraving. Miss Barrington has prepared nearly 100 pedigrees of ataxy and atrophy and muscular failures. So that the Treasury has material ready for at least another year. I think really there has been a great deal of very thorough and honest work done and that is why I lament outside criticism (!) of the kind that has appeared from inside the Eugenics fold. I hope you were not disgusted with the Standard notice. The interviewer cut out a long bit in the middle of the article and stuck the two halves together crudely ! I hate being interviewed, but he said Hartog wished it when I refused the first time. I think we ought to consider the right man to succeed Heron, if you settle to go forward. You might see when you come back to Town one or two of the men working in the Biometric Laboratory now. L-, who is a clear-headed Cambridge mathematician, has had an engineering training, but has been two years doing statistical work. I consider him very good. And M-, who has been also two years, is a very strenuous person and distinctly able, but he has not specialised as yet on man, and is rather rougher in manner. I am glad to hear about Wee Ling. We miss our puppies very much and I fear we shall not have, as we had hoped, another litter this January. Even the matrimony of dogs is not always a success ! No more now. You will hardly read through all this. Always affectionately yours, K. P. THE RECTORY, HASLEMERE. February 26, 1910. MY DEAR KARL PEARSON, The sale of the Eugenics Laboratory memoirs and papers is very gratifying and encouraging. You will doubtless receive suggestions as to the kind of change that would make the Treasury more sought after. X.'s article does not impress me, because he has made no proper study of the "positive" aids to Eugenics. He sent me a programme of a recent lecture in which the '1 positive" influences were hardly alluded to. I wrote, and pointed that out to him, but it was too late. Removal of influences that obstruct fertility is positive Eugenics. No one has yet studied the conditions under which a population has made sudden