OCR Rendition - approximate
Eugenics as a Creed and the Last Decade of Calton's Life 385 which I had never ventured on before, has the merit of great rapidity. It did not, however, show upp properly the red amid the yellow peas in the box diagram. I am glad you have got the clause worded satisfactorily. I think it will be a safeguard but 1 hope it will be unnecessary and that the right man will be found when the time comes. Miss Elderton gave a very good lecture to-day-I think quite the best of the series-but for some reason her audience was rather smaller. It was a pity as the material was very good and she lectured fluently for over an hour. Affectionately, KARL PEARSON. THE GALTON EUGENICS LABORATORY, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. .Tune 9, 1909. MY DEAR FRANCIS GALTON, I think the enclosed letters may interest and amuse you. To Letter I, I replied that we need aid most for (a) a publishing fund and (b) a library, and that if Mr H. 's views went beyond these lesser matters he could build an Institute for the Galton Laboratory ! Letter II follows ! Just think of those "old and crooked" mares forwarded to England and arriving in Gower Street ! We should have to tether them in the quadrangle ! I have written again endeavouring in a friendly way to show that the highest results are not to be obtained by any experiments on " old and crooked " mares ! But some Americans are very weird, and a better man than myself might have made something out of Mr H. °1 the wealthiest man in B •"! Affectionately, K. P. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. June 11, 1909. MY DEAR KARL PEARSON, What fools this world contains!-even in the U.S. A man with the persuasiveness and moral standard of a dealer in horses or in works of art,- might possibly succeed in diverting the coin to more promising Eugenic purposes than the effect of sympathy on the conception of mares, but quere. I heard from Heron, that M- shied at the idea of publishing the little book by Miss Elderton and her brother. Of course I am prepared to contribute towards the cost of the publication, if on those terms only a good publisher would accept it. Ever affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON. 7, WELL ROAD, HAMPSTEAD, N.W. June 15, 1909. MY DEAR FRANCIS GALTON, You will be glad to know that Messrs Adam & Charles Black have accepted the Eldertons' book at their own cost giving to the authors a 10'/. royalty on copies sold. I think these are as good terms as we could expect. There is to be a meeting of the Galton Laboratory Committee to see the Report and if approved to forward it to the University Senate next week. I don't think it means more than sanctioning the Report Hartog sent to you. He wrote to me that there will be a vacancy on the Committee and asked me unofficially if I could suggest any member of the Senate to go on. He sent me the enclosed list and asked for suggestions. But I know nobody with a Eugenic bent. Do you? They all seem to me folk rather lacking in imagination. Gregory Foster would do quite well, but I don't know that he has any special knowledge in this direction. I had two very different men to see the Laboratory yesterday. Dr Woodward, the President of the Carnegie Institute of Washington and Dr Chau-tao-Chen, First Secretary of the Chinese Finance Board. I suppose a sort of permanent Secretary of State for the Chinese Treasury. I got him to promise me some Chinese Skulls* ! Yours affectionately, KARL PEARSON. I am so sorry about Charles Galton Darwin ! Still he has done quite well and will no doubt get his fellowship. Will you write a brief introduction to the Eldertons' booklet? What shall we call it-A Primer of Biometry or of Statistics or what? 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. June 16, 1909. MY DEAR KARL PEARSON, Of the names in the Senate suitable for our Committee, A. C. Headlam, Principal of King's College, seems one of the most suitable. He has given help in various ways-lecture room, etc.-to the Eugenics Education Society. Roscoe is very * He thought the skulls of decapitated criminals might be available, but even these never reached me. P G Iu 49