OCR Rendition - approximate
384 Life and Letters of Francis Galton 7, WELL ROAD, HAMPSTEAD, N. W. May 13, 1909. MY DEAR FRANCIS GALTON, I think the codicil will achieve what you want. The University should provide and I have no doubt will provide rooms, etc. for your Professor, so that I think there is no need to provide for buildings of any kind. Looked at with the experience of the last few years before me, it seems to me that what your man will need is (i) a fairly ample expenditure on books and journals ; there is an immense amount of literature coming out now which wants collecting--reports, journals, isolated monographs, etc., and (ii) an adequate publishing fund. If at any time the professorship were for a year or two vacant no better use could be made of any surplus, after paying for a trial lecturer, than investing it as a library or publication fund. I think I told you a man wrote to me about a year ago and asked what he should do with £1000 he wished to leave in his will to Eugenics. I told him to leave it to the University of London for a fund for popular lectures and publications in Eugenics. I don't know whether he carried this out. To the American, who has recently written and asked what the Laboratory needs most, I have answered : Library and Publication funds. Now these may very likely not come off and then a free hand to the University in respect of investing unspent income for special funds of this kind would be of much value. A strong man (and your foundation will bring a strong man) wants freedom of this kind enormously. I know even in my own smaller way what the Drapers' Grant has been ! I had not to think about how to get funds for a special bit of work, but bad, within its limits, power to go and do a thing or get an instrument made without worrying over how it was to be paid for ! It would have been an immense boon had I had it between 30 and 40, when one was in the prime of one's working powers, and had only a small private income. You will see I have marked in pencil three points in the codicil. I think the word extension" would indicate that you did not wish the work necessarily not to develop and grow during any interregnum. I have inserted the words "in the University," but these are only suggested on the assumption that you have them in view. If not, they would of course not be right. If not inserted, there might be claims on the University for aid in many ways-where you may have given aid. I think, perhaps, the word " initiated " might be introduced as helping to cover any or all work of the Eugenics Laboratory, which it might be considered worth preserving under altered conditions. Miss Elderton gave quite a good lecture. She speaks with great clearness and is perfectly self-possessed. Her audience was about 45, and quite a good one in quality. Her lecture on Tuesday ought to be an interesting one as it will be the first attempt to give a quantitative comparison of Nature and Nurture. I have got rather a heavy cold-the result of a chill on Sunday--but I have not yet been kept to the house. I did not go to the Royal last night, but we sent some exhibits from the Laboratory, which you would have been the one person to appreciate fully, and you, also, would not be there ! Affectionately, KARL PEARSON. You say nothing about yourself, but I hope the leg if not yet down is better. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S. W. May 18, 1909. MY DEAR KARL PEARSON, Best congratulations on the Eugenics pamphlet. It is so massive as well as popular, and nothing could be better than the letterpress. The diagram of the square box with peas, intended to be clustered thickly towards one corner, does not, however, tell its own tale. In the other diagram some dotted lines are wanting in parts. It is a real starting point for popular Eugenics literature of a high class. I have received this morning from my lawyers the codicil amended in accordance with your suggestions. They have done it uncommonly well. Affectionately yours, FRANCIS GALTON. 7, WELL ROAD, HAMPSTEAD, N.W. May 18, 1909. MY DEAR FRANCIS GALTON, Thank you very heartily for your kind letter as to the pamphlet. I hope it may do some good. The printing has been rather hurried because we wanted it out before the lectures came to an end. The plates were all made by simply taking photographs of the actual diagrams, models, etc. used in the lecture itself, to save the time and labour of redrawing or sketching. Thus they are rather crude and faulty. But this process,