OCR Rendition - approximate
Eugenics as a Creed and the Last Decade of Galton's Life 247 I have one in view now, that I began upon some years ago, but found that enough years bad not elapsed since the experiment begun to draw useful conclusions, but every year since has brought a fresh crop of data, and there ought to be enough now. It is the correlation in the Indian Civil Service between the examination place of the candidate and the value of the appointment held by him ? 20 (I forget the figure I used) years afterwards. It seems that the value of an Indian appointment is a very fair test of a man's estimated ability. Mr Tuppy, or some such odd name, wrote a capital analysis of the careers of Indian Civil Servants. I made great use of his book and could soon pick up the long-dropped threads. Nothing however could be successfully done without the cordial and confidential help of the authorities at the India Office. I dare say I may persuade them to help me again, as they did before. I wish next Tuesday was well over. The paper will appear in full in Nature on Thursday. Very sincerely yours, FRANCIS GALTON. 7, WELL ROAD, HAMPSTEAD, N.W. Oct. 25, 1901. MY DEAR MR GALTON, Very many thanks for your kind letter. Certainly the back of Biometrika ought to have been and shall in future be stamped. I hope No. II may be a little more varied. Macdonell's article on "Criminal Anthropometry" will be a contrast to Carson's in the Anthropological Journal !-Latter's on Cuckoos' Eggs will be interesting I think. He has measured and examined nearly 300. I hope to get also the Naqada Skull measurements in, and a good many more Miscellanea. Still I fear we shall not be popular enough for a wide range of subscribers. I am quite sure your lecture has been a heavy piece of work. I know nothing which tries one so much as endeavouring to put scientific results in a form that the intelligent layman can grasp. I am just in the throes of producing two popular lectures for Newcastle-one on Natural Selection, and the other on Homotyposis-and I can appreciate from your abstract what yours has cost you. Please remember Biometrika for the Indian Civil paper. I have just been dealing with the Cambridge Graduates, correlating their degree with the shape and dimensions etc. of their head and physique generally. We have the full examination record of upwards of 1000 measured individuals. So far the relationship between size or shape of head and intellectual ability seems very slight, but the work is not yet completed. It appears to confirm the view I got from. skull measurements, that size has very little to do with intellectual grade. Next we have reduced the results for pairs of brothers measured in schools, and we find that vivacity, shyness, conscientiousness etc., are correlated precisely as stature, forearm, eye colour. I think this will be when finished as complete a quantitative demonstration of the inheritance of the mental qualities at the same rate as the physical as could be required. I fancy our method of using very simple classification (Memoir VII) would suit your Indian Civil data. Yours always sincerely, KARL PEARSON. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. Oct. 31, 1901. MY DEAR PROF. K. PEARSON, It would be very pleasant if we could meet and have a talk. On Sunday our routine is Lunch-dinner at 1 ; Tea at 4.30; Dinner-supper at 6.45. Could you come next Sunday for 2 or more of these meals and the intermediate time? If so, please say what you would prefer. I should doubt whether the exchange of Biometrika on equal terms for the Anth. Inst. Journal would be a gain to Biometrika, as so very few of the members of the Institute would be likely to use it intelligently. Quere defer the matter. But do as you think best. Very sincerely yours, FRANCIS GALTON. 5, BERTIE TERRACE, LEAMINGTON. Nov. 17, 1901. MY DEAR PROF. K. PEARSON, Bravis-is-is-imo re like inheritance of physical and mental fl You have made a firm foot-hold here, well worthy of all the elaboration that you have and are giving to it. What a blessed feeling it is to come to solid rock, when floundering in yielding mud. I congratulate you most heartily. I write from the country but return by Friday, if not Thursday.