OCR Rendition - approximate
246 Life and Letters of Francis Galton 7, WELL ROAD, HAMPSTEAD, N.W. June 29, 1901. MY DEAR MR gALTON, I am sending you the first proof of title-page and prospectus, etc. of Biometrika. You see it will be a capital size for tables and plates. The Syndics of the Press, Mr Wright told us, are keen on their own shield appearing, and he added, what I think is undoubtedly true, that it is effective as an advertisement. I felt in the face of this that it was not desirable to press for our own device. Will you let me have the proof back with any suggestions that occur to you? I hope you don't object to the Quaker-like simplicity of the names on the title-page. I should have come to talk the whole matter over with you but this is my worst timeexaminations etc. Yours always sincerely, KARL PEARSON. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. Monday. MY DEAR PROF. PEARSON, You have arranged a capital title-page, severe in its simplicity, and the Cambridge Press symbol gives it additional weight. I quite approve. There is no note that I can see my way to contribute now. Very sincerely yours, FRANCIS GALTON. I am just back from Cambridge, so excuse the few hours delay in reply. 7, WELL ROAD, HAMPSTEAD, N.W. July 3, 1901. MY DEAR MR GALTON, I have been looking at one or two of Darwin's books to see if he anywhere emphasises the value of statistical inquiry. I can find nothing; and yet I feel quite certain he realised that value by undertaking, as he did, the long series of experiments in Crossand Self-Fertilisation of Plants. In his book he states that he has appealed to you for an examination of his data from the statistical standpoint_ and for a report. It has struck me that although that letter is not in the Life and Letters it might possibly have survived. Do you think you have preserved it, and if so is there any apt remark as to the need of statistical method in solving such evolution problems?-I should be very glad, if you would let me know if there is. My address after tomorrow will be Manor House, Througham, Miserden, Cirencester, Glosters. Yours always sincerely, KARL PEARSON. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. July 4, 1901. MY DEAR PROF. K. PEARSON, Darwin's letter has not I think survived but I recollect its terms well. They would not have helped in what you want. He began in his usual kindly and appealing way, apologising for the trouble, and implying that he had not confidence in his own power of making the best of the few "ipomaea" statistics, and then asked me to try what I could do with them. I doubt if he ever thought very much or depended much on statistical inquiry in his own work, in the sense that most members of the Statistical Society would have given to it;-though, as you know, lie quotes statistical results that others had, arrived at, not infrequently. Probably, or rather certainly, Frank Darwin would be the best authority on this. I am glad you have got away for a little into the country. Very sincerely yours, FRANCIS GALTON. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. July 8, 1901. MY DEAR PROF. .KARL PEARSON, I have just spoken to Frank and to Leonard Darwin, first separately and then together. Their views about their father's attitude towards statistics are the same as mine, except that Frank's was more strongly expressed. I fear you must take it as a fact, that Darwin had no liking for statistics. They even thought he bad a "non-statistical" mind, rather than a statistical one. Very sincerely yours, FRANCIS GALTON. I have temporarily mislaid your address, so send this via Hampstead. 42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. Oct. 25, 1901. MY DEAR PROF. K. PEARSON, Biometrika has just come, and seems most appropriate in general get-up. The printing is beautiful and the size of page excellent. I heartily congratulate you. One small matter of great comfort to the possessors of a pamphlet, is to have its name printed along the back : Vol. 1. Part 1. Biometrika Oct. 1901. Do kindly have this done in future numbers. I have already had to write this along the back of mine as well as I could. Herewith I send the Abstract of my Huxley Lecture-Oh ! the trouble that the preparation of the lecture has given! It was so difficult to make a track free from bogholes, and to keep the stages in proportion. I hope it will further investigations by others.