OCR Rendition - approximate728
smaller, us we know, is very compact, strong, and eflirctive. Sir Voter T'oazlolooks like carrying sixteen stone to hounds, with mighty (trills recalling those of the Flying Dutchman ; but his power does nut interfere with his quality, which is first; class. 11ighflver and I3a;ningbrouglr, cspccially the latter, belong; to thn very mrbb'ett typo of race-horses. I V anybody call lonlt at them :tint retain his rnnlidonec in our modern superiority, lie :and I see with 1101 1,1.1,11t, tycs.
'1 'hero is still one Toro of the greul, dopartcd to whom I would call particular attention-I)orimant, by Otho (dam, by Labralant, of the Godolphin Arabian line) ; he was the best, or nearly the lust, rarer of his day ; bettor than Shark, or Potatoes, or I)iclator, owl ell mhle I
think, of disputing the primacy with 11ighilver. 111glillyer, ~
h k 3 ~ ]to
doubt, beat him the orrly time they met; but itt was I)orinlant's last. appearance in public after a career that. had lasted much longer, anti boon filled up with much harder work, than that of his uneonquerablo antagonist. Ifia pedigree, moreover, is a singularly interesting one, and the cross ought to have been of great, value a woeg our somewhat restricted and continually narrowing alliances. If(' caneo down from the Derby Arabian through a separate and somewhat, peculiar• line of ancestors-a line apart from the Childerses altogether. Ilis failure to influence our blood stock pernuunently .I have always deeply regretted ; be was the sire of several good horses, but his owner, Lord Ossory, seems to have kept him entirely for his own stud ; his opportunities, therefore, of making a lasting impression were few, and the family has died out. Ifia portrait represents, I think, absolutely the most powerful blood terse I have ever soon, and ho is galloping seemingly with great resolution. I should not say, judging from his appearance., that speed had been his forte; but if the late Daniel Lambert had wanted a hunter, there was the horse for him. Oddly enough, of all the portraits I have looked up, the eminent, or rather pre-eminent Waxy presents the meanest figure. I should have pronounced him, if he had been shown to me without a name, to be a cleverish cover-hack ; but again it is impossible to decide whether he has been fairly treated by the artist.
I may say, in conclusion, that if any Crnsus at the Antipodes were anxious to try a new and interesting experiment, there are the
zebras ready to his hand ; the Congo dew, or H1ppotigris antlquorum,
possesses, as far as I can judge, the raw materials of a racer in a far
higher degree than any of the true wild horses. The quaggn, again,
possesses more strength, and I dare say there are a dozen other
varieties scattered over the vast African continent, with special gifts
and energies, valuable for future combinations. Thus an Austral
horse, in time and with good fortune, might be developed out of the striped -equid~e, which should put the original achievement of the
f rst shepherd. king, as an 17rlrobaµov, to shame.
1'llt: ~ ISIO,NS tlh SANE PERSONS.
1-; tb eoutn' of nuurr germ, inquiries into visual memory, I was ,rut ';tract: by tin' fret urnu•y rrf ill)' reptile in whilst 1uy infirrnnant.s
n Iy 1
)Irncrib~ d ihtust•lyev as suhjc , t„ "vast+)r)s"' Thai• of whom 1 :rpe:dt a1cre 'Lang' sntl healthy, out lI t)' subject raratwithstauding to virsutrl lneM,utniiunr=, for which they t'onld nut, often lus-chill, 111)1 which in a 1',w masts t•eueled tIn' level of halluoituttions. This nuetipe" h-d precnleuce of ,a visionturv tend) my lntong pe1wous who torn) it t'al'l of urdina'y society stems, to lilt sitggt"st.ivo and worthy of heirsh lna1. (tit rtv.ord. Ill n previous article, 1 spoke of the fheulty of slunTonitur Neonoa lit will, with noire or lies distinetness, before the vi.5ua1 ill( otory : in ibis. I shall spook of the tolldonoy among
no and h)dthy mrsons t,; sec images flash atnaccoulit'ably into s'sawtence.
)L)ny of my Flack ar' derived Foul personal friends of' whose accuracy I hove lit) doubt. Anotln'r g ro11p eolnvs from corres
Iiondcnts who have written tit, length will much painstaking. and c
whose letters appear to me to bear internial muu•ks of scrupulous truthfules'. A third part., Tills been collected for mne by many kind friends in many countries, each of who>,rl has trade himself or herself an independent. centre of' inquiry;, and the last, and much the most numerous portion, consists of brief replies by strangers to a series of questicnls contained in a circular that I drew up. I have good over till this matter with great care, and have cross-tested it in many ways whilst it was accumulating, just us any conscientious statistician would, before I began to form conclusions. I was soon convinced of its substantial trustworthiness,_ and that conviction has in no way been shaken by subsequent experience. In short, the evidence of the four groups I have just mentioned is quite us consistent as could have been reasonably desired.
The lowest, order of pheneniena that admit of being classed as
visions, are the "Number forms" to which I have drawn attention
on more than one occasion, but to which I must again very briefly
allude. They are an abiding mental peculiarity in a .certain propor
tion of persons (any 5 per cent.), who are unable as adults, and who
have been ever unable as farback as they can recollect, to think of
any number without, referring it to its own particular habitat in
their mental field of view. It there lies latent but is instantly
yoked ,by the' thought, or mention of it, or.by any mental opera
tion in which it is concerned. The thought .of a series of consecu
tive numbers is therefore attended -by -a' vision of them arranged.
(1) See a previous article on'O:1liontal-Imugcr)," September, 1880..