Jason l son, Amand J. McC. Routh, M. D., F. R.C.Y., obstetric physician to Charing Cross Hospital, consulting obstetric physician to three other hospitals ; author of numerous papers and articles on Midwifery and Gynaecology.-[" Who's Who."]
wafe's fa, Sir George B. Airy (1801-1892), K.C. B., F.R.S., eminent mathematician and astronomer ; Senior Wrangler, 1823; Astronomer Royal, I835i88i.
Dukinfield Henry Scott (b. 18 4), F.R.S., Hon. Keeper Jodrell Lab., Royal Gardens, Kew ; Botanical Sec. of the Linna an Soc. ; President of the Royal Microscopical Soc. ; author of " An Introduction to Structural Botany," " Studies in Fossil Botany," and various papers in " Phil. Trans.," etc.-[" Who's Who."]
Ja fa fa, Thomas SCOtt (1747-I821), Chaplain of Lock Hosp., London, afterwards Rector of Aston Sandford; produced a commentary on the Bible in weekly parts from 1 788 - 1 792 ; author of many religious writings.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]
fa fa, Thomas Scott (1780-1835), Queen's Coll.,
Cambridge ; author of many religious works.[" Dict. N. Biog."]
fa, Sir George Gilbert SCOtt (I8I1-1878), R.A., restoring architect to Ely, Hereford, Lichfield, Salisbury, and Ripon Cathedrals ; architect of Indian, Home and Colonial Offices, the Nicolaikirche at Hamburg, St. Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh, etc. ;