Rosse, fourth Earl of.-See PARSONS.
Edward John Routh (b. 1831), Sc. D., Camb., Sc.D. (hon.), Dublin, LL.D. (hon.) Glasgow, F.R.S., Senior Wrangler and Smith's prize, 1854; Adams prize, 1877; has had twenty-seven Senior Wranglers and more than forty Smith's Prizemen for pupils. Author of several books on theoretical dynamics and of many mathematical papers.-[" Who's Who."]
fa, Sir Randolph I sham Routh (1782-I858), K.C.B., 1848; Commissary-General ; saw much foreign service, and was senior commissariat officer at Waterloo.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]
me bro, Hon. Jean Thos. Taschereau, Judge of King's Bench in Canada.
me bro, His Eminence Elzear Alexandre Taschereau (b. 1820), son of the above ; CardinalPriest of the Roman Catholic Church, and Archbishop of Quebec.
me bro son, Hon. Sir Henri Thomas Taschereau (b. 1841), judge of the Supreme Court of Canada.
me bro son, Hon. Henri Elzear Taschereau (b. 1836), judge of the Supreme Court of Canada ; author of many works on law. (For the Taschereau family see " Canadian Men and Women of the Time.")
fa son, 2 bro, C. H. F. Routh, eminent London physician.