258 INDEX.
Frequency, Scheme of, 49 ; model, 63 ; surface of, 102
Geometric Mean, 118, Appendix E, 238 Gouffe, cookery book, 24 Governments, 22'
Grades, 37, 40 ; of modulus, mean error, &c.,.57
Grove battery, 31
Hazel eyes, 144
Hospital, St. Bartholomew's, 47 Humphreys, G., 186
Incomes of the English, 35 Infertility of mixed types, 31 Insurance companies, 185 Inventions, 25 Island and islets, 10
Kenilworth Castle, 21
Kinship, formula of, 114 ; table of nearness in different degrees, 132
Laboratory, anthropometric, 43, 46, 79 Landscape, characteristic features, 23 LATENT ELEMENTS, 187 ; characters,
M, its signification, 41 Macalister, D., 238
McKendrick, Professor, 20 Malformation, 176
Marriage selection, in temper, 85, 232;
in eye-colour, 86, 147 ; in stature,
87; in artistic faculty, 157 Means, 41 ; mean' error, 57 Mechanical inventions, 25 Median, 41
Medical students, 47
Merrifield, F., 136
Mid, 41 ; Mid-parent, 87 ; mid-population, 92 ; mid-fraternity, 124 ; miderror, 58
Models, to illustrate Stability, 27 ; Curve of Frequency, 63 ; Forecast of stature of children, 107 : Surface of Frequency, 115
Modulus, its grade, 57 Moths, pedigree, 136
Mother's relation to her child, 15 ; in consumption, 177. See Parent Mulatto blends, 13
Museums to illustrate evolution, 33 Music, 155, 158
Natural, its meaning, 4 ; natural selec
tion, 32, 119
Nephews, 133
Nile expedition, 23 Nomenclature of kinship, 248
O'Brien, 84
Omnibuses, 26, 32
Order in apparent chaos, 66
Paget, Sir J., 47
Palmer, 48 Pangenesis, 19, 193
Parents, unlike in stature, issue of, 88 ;
indirect relation to children, 19 ; .
parental relation, 110, 132 Particulate inheritance, 7
Peas, experiments with, 79, 225 Peculiarities, natural and acquired, 4 ;
inheritance of, 138 ; definition, 138,
Pedigree moths, 136
Pedigrees, arrangement of, see Appen
dix G., 248, 250
Percentiles, 46
Personal elements, 187; in incipient
structure, 9
Petty influences, 16
Population to be treated as units, 35 ;
their mid-stature, 92 ; their Q, 93
successive generations of, 115 ; com
pared to a cloud, 164
Priestley, Dr. W. 0., 15
Probability integral, 54 ; tables, 202 to
Probable error, 53, 57
Problems in the law of error, 66
Pure Breed, 189
Q, its meaning, 53, 59
R. F.F., see Records of Family Faculties Rank of Faculty, 36, 46 ; in a squadron,
Records of Family Faculties, data, 72
arrangement of, 250 ; prefaced re
marks, 168 ; object of book, 220;
trustworthiness of, 130, 167, 231