Blends, or refusals to blend, 12 ; in issue of unlike parents, 89 ; in hazel eyes, 145 ; in diseases, 169 ; in new varieties, 198 ; in temper, 233 ; have no effect on statistical results, 17
Cabs, 26, 30, 31
Candolle, A do, 142, 145, 241 n Cards, illustration by, 188 Chance, 19
Chaos, order in, 66
Child, its relation to mother, 15 ; to
either parent, 19; of drunken mother,
15 ; of consumptive mother, 177 Cloud compared to a population, 164 Co-Fraternities, 94
Consumption, 171.; consumptivity, 181
Error, curve of Frequency, 49 ; law of, 55 ; probable, 57
Evolution not by minute steps only, 32
Families, extinction of, Appendix F.,
Family Records, see Records Father, see Parent Files in a squadron, 111
Filial relation, 19 ; regression, 95 Fraternities, meaning of word, 94, 234 ;