ing over ten years, I held positions of great responsibility [in different parts of the world], 'but I consider my scientific tastes were formed in youth, that is, from 16 to 21 years of age ." (a, f h)
(4) "From an early age I was addicted to mechanical pursuits. In the last few years of my schooldays I took to chemistry. Entered . . . - college, expecting, after two or three years there, to [join a relative's] business as calico-printer, and gave especial attention to chemistry on that account I had never attended specially to physics until appointed professor of natural
philosophy [This and subsequent similar advancement] determined me to devote myself thenceforward definitely to physics, and not to try for a chemical appointment . . . " (a, d)
(5) " Naturally fond of mechanics and of
physical science, in which all my study has taken
the direction of those departments bearing on
. , owing to my feeling that through the
possession of special instruments for investiga
tioiis in it, I could work to greater advantage ;