spent my whole, life in searching for them. While a schoolboy I taught myself botany, chemistry, &c under great difficulties. I had no teacher except a kind apothecary, whose knowledge was limited." (a)
(3) "From a youth, I always preferred the man of marked ability to the man of action alone. Thrown for so many years of my professional life among men chiefly of the latter class, and my sympathies being more drawn towards those in the decided minority, my tastes were, I conceive, not acquired but innate. In the early days of my professional career I gained the friendship of of the highest professional standing, whose acquired general knowledge and love of science and observation were far beyond those of the ordinary . . . . of his time. I was both his young friend and favourite assistant for three years. He imbued me with his respect for science, and formed my
character for earnestness and accuracy To some extent, my tastes were determined by events after manhood ; because in . . . extend-