Religious sentiments weak, accompanied with more or less Scepticism.-1. [Being compelled to attend frequent chapels at college, he, for ten years afterwards, refused to enter either church or chapel]. 2. "The negative tendencies of my family may be absence of piety
" 3. " Religious feeling not great." 4. " Sceptical." 5. "Not much religious bias except in a boundless admiration of nature." *6. " I gave up common religious belief, almost independently from my own reflection." 7. " Bias towards freedom of thought in religious matters."
Intellectual interest in religious topics.-1. " Entertained at an early age independent views regarding the resurrection and salvation of the heathen, which led to frequent disputes." 2. " At school I became a sceptic, and even worked out in my own somewhat (at that time) reserved mind, a kind of idealism. I afterwards had a phase of religious fervour, but worked through it." 3. " Given to theological ideas, and not reticent about them." 4. "Instinctive (or