ft.] Q Uet LITIES. 12f)
the sense of the third paragraph, is not actively - accepted by many of those who describe themselves as religiously inclined : they seem singularly careless of dogma, and exempt from
mysterious terror. Also, considering the independence of their disposition, their energetic temperament and healthful physique, I should think that religion, in the sense of the second paragraph--that of feeling sinful and weakwould not express the views of many of them. Therefore I look on the intuitive sentiments, as described in the first paragraph, connected with a philosophic frame of mind and a tendency to active philanthropy, as the most likely meaning of the phrase " religious bias," when it is used without any qualification by my correspondents, especially by those who are Unitarians. In this sense, at least, there appear to be about eighteen instances of scientific men who have a decided religious bias ; being, I should estimate, at the rate of two or more, in every ten ; but I am not able to state with certainty how many of these are religious in the sense of all the three paragraphs.