his retirement, referring to his " eminent and exceptional service." He, like his brother, was a standard writer on dealings with criminals ; also on currency. (4) Arthur, head-master of Bruce Castle school, where he fully developed the principles first laid down by his father ; (5) Frederick Hill, formerly inspector of prisons, then assistant-secretary of the Post-office. A great and thorough reformer of the prisons under his observation, aiming to fit prisoners for honest life on their release. Concurrently, he contributed numerous memoirs on social improvements generally.
Third generation.-14 males and 17 females, among many of whom the family characteristics continue well marked. Thus (1) Dr. Berkeley Hill, and (2) Miss Emily Clark of Adelaide, Australia, are both actively engaged in work connected with pauper children.
LATROBE.-A family characterzied by its religious bent and musical and literary tastes, joined to a love of enterprise.
First generation.-Benjamin Latrobe, a con-