to the nearest integer the cube root of any number not exceeding two thousand millions. First inventor (1835) of rotatory printing, the method which, with slight changes of detail, is still in use for newspapers. Rewarded by three separate grants, viz., in 1846 by a public testimonial of the value of 13,3601., in 1864 by the award from the Treasury of his full salary of 2,0001. a year on his retirement, and in the same year by a parliamentary grant of 20,0001. (2) Matthew Davenport Hill, Q.C., late recorder of Birmingham ; law reformer of note, especially in reference to dealings with the criminal class, substituting promptitude, certainty and strictness for delay, uncertainty and severity (see Law Magazine, July 1872) ; (3) Edwin Hill, superintendent of the stamp department ; first inventor of the envelope folding-machine, since improved by Mr. De la Rue. He completely remodelled the stamping machinery at Somerset IIouse ; was most highly commended for these improvements in each of the first three reports of the commissioners of Inland Revenue, and again by a minute on