24. Barometric Predictions of Weather (Brit. Assoc. Rep.) . |
1870 |
25. Experiments in Pangenesis, by breeding from rabbits of a pure
variety, into whose circulation blood taken from other varieties
had previously been largely transfused (Roy. Soc. Proc. ) |
1871 |
26. Gregariousness in Cattle and in Men (Macmillan's Mag. ; vol. 23) |
1872 |
27. On Blood Relationship : a Discussion on the Meaning of Kinship
(Roy. Soc. Proc.) . |
1872 |
28. Address to the Geographical Section of the British Association at
Brighton (Brit. Assoc. Rep.) |
1872 |
29. Statistical Inquiries into the Efficacy of Prayer (Fortnightly
Review) . |
1872 |
30. Relative Supplies from Town and Country Families to Future
Generations (• jaurn. Statist. Soc. ) |
1873 |
3t. Africa. for the Chinese (Times) |
1873 |
32. Employment of Meteorological Statistics in determining the best
course for a ship whose sailing qualities are known (Roy. Soc. |
Proc.) . |
1873 |
33. Hereditary Improvement (Fraser's Magazine, January) |
1873 |
34. Proposed Statistical Scale (Nature, 5th March) , |
1870 |
35. Proposal to apply for Anthropological Statistics from Schools
(Anthropol. Inst. journ. ) |
1874 |
36. English Men of Science, their Nature and their Nurture (Royal
Institution) . |
1874 |
37. English Men of Science, their Nature and Nurture (Macmillan) |
1874 |
38. Excess of Females in the West Indies (Anthropol. Inst, jourra.) . |
1874 |
39. Notes on the Marlborough School Statistics (Anthropol. Inst.
journ.) . |
1875 |
40. On the Probability of the Extinction of Families [in association
with Rev. H. W. Watson] (Anthropol. Inst. Journ.) . |
1875 |
41. Statistics by Intercomparison, with Remarks on the Law of
Frequency of Error (Phil. Mag.) |
1875 |
42. Height and Weight of Boys, aged 14, in Town and Country Public
Schools (Anthropol. Inst. journ.) |
1876 |
43• The History of Twins, as a Criterion of the Relative Powers of
Nature and Nurture (Anthropol. Inst. journ.) . |
1876 |
44 Short Notes on Heredity, etc., in Twins (Anthropol. Inst. journ.) |
1876 |
45. A Theory of Heredity (Anthropol. Inst. Journ. ; Revue Scientif. ) |
1876 |
46. Whistles for Determining the Upper Limits of Audible Sound in
Different Persons (South Kensington Conferences; volume on
" Chemistry, Biology," etc. p. 61). See Hydrogen Whistles, 74 |
1866 |
47. Apparatus for the Rapid Verification of Thermometers ; now in
use at the Kew Observatory (Roy. Soc. Proc., 1878 ; Phil. Mag.
1877) . . |
1877 |
48. Typical Laws of Heredity (1877) (Royal Inst. Proc., 1879;
Nature, 1877 ; Revue Scientif., 1877) . . |
1877 |
49. Address to the Department of Anthropology of the Brit. Assoc.,
Plymouth [On the Study of Types (or Groups) of Men] (Brit.
Assoc. Rep. ; Nature; Revue Scientif., 1877) . |
1877 |