x. Telotype, a Printing Electric Telegraph (J. Weale ;-Macmillan). 1850
2. Recent Expedition into the Interior of South-Western Africa
(Geogr. Soc. Journ.) 1852
3. Tropical South Africa (Murray, 18S3) (second edition, Ward,
Lock & Co., Minerva Press, 1889) 1853
4. Modern Geography-Cambridge Essays (J. • W. Parker) . 1855
5. Art of Travel, 1855, and subsequent editions (Murray) . 1855
6. Arts of Campaigning, Inaugural Lecture at Aldershot (Murray) . 1855
7. Course of Public Lectures in the Camp at Aldershot (Privately
Printed) . 1856
8. Catalogue of Models illustrative of Camp Life (Priva• tely Printed). 1858
9. Exploration of Arid Countries (Geogr. Soc. Proc.). 1858 10. Hand Heliostat, for the purpose of Flashing Sun Signals, from on
board Ship or on Land, in Sunny Climates (Brit. Assoc. Rep.,
1858; Geogr. Soc. Proc., 1860). 1858 11. Vacation Tourists, Edited and containing two Memoirs by F.
Galton (Macmillan) . 186o-63 12. On a New Principle for the Protection of Riflemen (• based on the
trajectory of the spherical bullets then in use) (United Service
Journ.) . 1861 13. Zanzibar, a Lecture at the S. P. G. (Mission Field) 1861 14. Circular asking for Synchronance Observations during one month
three times daily, with map (Privately Printed) 1861 15. Meteorological Charts (Phil. Mag.) 1861 16. A Development of the Theory of Cyclones (Anticyclones) (Roy.
Soc. Proc.) 1862 57. Meteorographica (• Macmillan) . 1863 18. Stereoscopic Maps, taken from models of mountainous countries
(Geogr. Soc. Journ.) 1865 19. Spectacles for Divers, and the Vision of Amphibious Animals
(Brit. Assoc. Rep. ) 1865 20. Hereditary Talent and Character (Macmillan's Magazine) 1865 21. Conversion of Wind-Charts into Passage-Charts (Brit. Assoc.
Rep. ; Phil. Mag.) 1866 22. Hereditary Genius, 1869; second edition, 1892 (Macmillan) . 1869 23. Drill Pantagraph, reducing horizontally and vertically to different
scales. Also a Mechanical Computer of Vapour Tension. Report
of Meteorological Council. See also 119. 1869