of their ship, that it might not arrive too soon. I then divided my party and settled matters relating to the future of the wagons and their contents, also in regard to my three remaining mules, the rest of which had died or been killed by lions long since. Then I started
afresh on August 13, taking one wagon with me,
Andersson, three of my best servants, and five or six of my most active Damaras, and went in the first instance to Jonker.
lie received me kindly, and I had the good fortune to find in this place a fairly educated man, Erhardt, imported by the missionaries as a schoolmaster, who
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fairly well. 1 engaged leis services, especially as lie undertook to guide me as far as Elephant Fountain (E.F. on the map), which had been the ullima Thule of the missionaries. I was also asked to settle some disputes between the other Namaqua chiefs, who were all very friendly to me now. I proposed to push farther forward from Elephant Fountain as far as time, the exceptional drought of the year, and the weakened stamina of my oxen permitted.
We left Jonker August 30, and arrived at Elephant Fountain September ii, where I found myself at last in a Country of big game. There was a copious spring, and herds of all kinds of animals came to drink. It received its name from the large number of tusks found in the water at this place when the Namaquas first reached it, as though it had been a spot to which elephants travelled to die, according to a well-known legend. It was then overgrown with reeds, and formed a notable covert for wild beasts. It lies in a corner of the district then claimed by the