with the men left behind, and we started homewards.
Ultimately the whole party was brought safely back to Station No. 3 on August 3, 1851, where we were most heartily welcomed and congratulated by Mr. Hahn after our long absence of five months, during which no news whatever of us had reached him. I n the meantime I had spent ninety days in actual travel, independently of such excursions as were needed from time to time to look out ('4)r
*able routes. Of these ninety days, fifty were occupied in travel to Nangoro and forty in returning. The return distance in time was 168 hours, equal to 4.62 miles. Our road had passed through a dangerous and difficult country; it traversed the whole breadth of Damara land, and had reached the capital of the country beyond it to the north.
Some little news had reached Mr. Hahn from Europe through the hands of a cattle-trader. It included an English newspaper, but no letters for myself; it was now one year and four months since I had heard a single word from my home. Peace had been kept during my absence between the Hottentots and Damaras.
A ship was expected for the missionaries not earlier than December, so I should have a clear four months for further travel and yet be able to catch that ship. I determined on a quick journey to the eastwards of the Namaqua country, and dispatched messengers at once with letters to the Cape, in doing which the Namaqua chief Swartboy assisted me. I thereby made arrangements to confirm those partly made by the missionaries about the time of departure