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Index   657

(102) `The Application of a Graphic Method to

Fallible Measures' (1885), II 375

(103) `Anthropometric Percentiles' (1885),11375-376 (104) `A Common Error in Statistics' (1885), 11 377 (105) `Presidential Address, Anthropological .In

stitute' (1886), IIIA 12

(106) `Notes on Permanent Colour Types in Mosaic'

(1886), 11 225

(107) `Anniversary Meeting of Royal Society (Galton's Speech at the dinner)' (1886), 11 201

(108) `On Recent Designs for Anthropometric Instruments' (1886), 11226

(109) `The Origin of Varieties (Curve of Attractiveness)' (1886), 11272-273

(110) `Chance and its Bearing on Heredity' (Birmingham Lecture) (1886), IIIA 12, 29

(111) `Family Likeness in Stature' (1886), IIIA 12

(112) `Family Likeness in Eye Colour' (1886), IIIA 34

(113) `Good and Bad Temper in English Families' (1887), 11271; reference to, IIIA 69

(114) `Thoughts without Words' (1887), 11 274-275

(115) `Presidential Address, Anthropological Institute' (1887), 11396-397

(116) `The Proposed Imperial Institute, Geography and Anthropology' (1887), 11 411

(117) `North American Pictographs' (1887), 11411

(118) `Pedigree Moth-breeding as a means of verifying certain important Constants in the General Theory of Heredity' (1887), IIIA 47

(119) `Remarks on Replies by Teachers to Questions respecting Mental Fatigue' (1888), II 276

(120) `Presidential Address, Anthropological Institute' (1888), 11 397

(121) `Personal Identification and Description' (Lecture 1888, publication 1889), II 303-306 reference to, IIIA 141

(122) `Co-relations and their Measurement, chiefly from Anthropometric Data' (1888), IIIA 50

(123) `Instrument for testing the Perception of differences of Tint' (1889), 11 219

(124) `Presidential Address, Anthropological Institute' (1589), `Human Variety,' II 383

(125) `Notes on Australian Marriage System' (1889), Addenda 11113 629

(126) `On the Advisability of Assigning Marks for Bodily Efficiency in the Examination of Candidates for those Public Services in which Bodily Efficiency is of Importance' (1889), 11 386

(127) `Head Growth of Students at the University of Cambridge' (1889), 11 387

(128) `On the Principle and Methods of Assigning Marks for Bodily Efficiency' (1889), 11388

(129) `The Sacrifice of Education' (Tests of Physical Capacity) (1889). 11 393

(130) `Feasible Experiments on the Possibility of transmitting Acquired Habits by Means of Inheritance' (1889), IIIA 57

(131) `Tests and Certificates of the Kew Observatory, issued by the Kew Committee of the Royal Society' (1890), II 59, 60

(132) `A new Instrument for measuring the Rate of

Movement of the various Limbs' (1890),11220 (133) `Anthroppometric Laboratory, Notes and Me

moirs No. 1 (1890), II 381

(134) `Why do we measure Mankind?' Section of


(135) `Human Variety,' Section of (133), 11 383 (136) `Variety,' Section of (133), 11384, 385

(137) `The Measurement of Variety,' Section of (133),

11 385

(138) `Physical Tests in Examinations' (1890), 11 394

(139) `Dice for Statistical Experiments' (1890),11405

(140) `The Patterns in Thumb and Finger Marks; on their arrangement into naturally distinct classes, the permanence of the papillary ridges that make them, and the resemblance of their classes to ordinary genera' (1890), IIIA 161

(141) `Sexual Generation and Cross Fertilisation' (1890), 111A 318

(142) `Decrease of Mortality by Smallpox, 18381887' (1890), IIIB 482

(143) `Method of Indexing Finger-Marks' (1891), IIIA 170

(144) `Identification by Finger Tips' (1891), IIIA 154

(145) `Address to the Demographers' (1891), IIIA 218

(146) `Retrospect of Work done at my Anthropometric Laboratory at South Kensington' (1891), 11 378

(147) `Galton's Pantagraph and Vapour Tension Computer (German)' (1892), 11 47

(148) `Identification' (1893), IIIA 155

(149) `The Just-Perceptible Difference' (1893), 11307, IIIA viii, Extra Plate

(150) `Enlarged Finger Prints' (1893), IIIA 155

(151) `Discontinuity in Evolution' (Mind, 1894), IIIA 84-86

(152) `The Part of Religion in Human Evolution' (1894), MA 88; reference to, II 102

(153) `The Relative Sensitivity of Men and Women' (1894), 11 222

(154) `Review of A. Binet's "Psychologie des Grands Calculateurs et Joueurs d'Echecs"' (1894), II 275

(155) `Arithmetic by Smell' (1894), 11 275

(156) 'A plausible Paradox in Chances' (1894),11405

(157) `Results derived from the Natality Table of Korosi by employing the Method of Contours or Isogens' (1894), 11 408

(158) `Physical Index to 100 Persons on their Measures and Finger-Prints' (1894), MA 197

(159) `Terms of Imprisonment' (1895), 11 406

(160)'A Now Stop in Statistical Science' (1895),11411

(161) `The Wonders of a Finger Print' (1895), IIIA 159

(162) `Intelligible Signals between Neighbouring Stars' (1896), 11 279

(163) `A curious Idiosyncrasy' (1896), II 279

(164) `On Bertillon's System of Identification' (1896), 11411, IIIA 144

(165) `Three Generations of Lunatic Cats,' Letter

only (1896), 111A 87

(166) `Scheme for further accurate Observations on

Variation, Heredity, Hybridism, and other Pheno

mena that would elucidate the Evolution of Plants

and Animals' (1896), IIIA 135

(167) `Prints (Finger) of Scars' (1896), IIIA 154 (168) `Les empreintes digitales' (1896), IIIA 159 (169) `The Average Contribution of each several

Ancestor to the total Heritage of the Offspring,'

Roy. Soc. Proc. (Basset Hounds) (1897), IIIA 40
(170) `Relation between the Individual and. Racial

Variability' (1897), IIIA 95

(171) `Dr Haughton and the Long Drop' (1897),11407 (172) `Rate of Racial Change that accompanies Differ

ent Degrees of Severity in Selection' (1897), IIIA 93 (173) `Retrograde Selection' (1897), IIIA 95 (174) `Hereditary Colour in Horses' (1897), IIIA 95 (175) `Temporary Flooring in Westminster Abbey

for Ceremonial Processions' (1898), 11 198

(176) `Photographic measurement of Horses and

other Animals' (1898), II 320

(177) `Photographic Record of Pedigree Stock'(1898),

11 321-322



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