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(29) 'Barometric Prediction of Weather' (1870), 1154,55

(30) 'Experiments in Pangenesis by Breeding from Rabbits of a pure Variety, into whose Circulation Blood taken from other Varieties had previously been largely transfused' (1871), 11 156

(31) 'Address to Geographical Section of the British Association at Brighton' (1872), If 28, 29

(32) 'Gregariousness in Cattle and in Men' (1872), 111 72

(33) 'Statistical Inquiries into the Efficacy of Prayer' (1872), 11 115-117

(34) 'Blood Relationship' (1872), II 169, 170, 184; reference to, 11 146

(35) 'Africa for the Chinese' (1873), 1'32-33

(36) 'On the Employment of Meteorological Statistics

in determining the best Course for a Ship whose

sailing Qualities are known' (1873), 11 57

(37) 'Hereditary Improvement' (1873), II 117-122;

quotation from, 11 131

(38) 'The Relative Supplies from Town and Country

Families to the Population of Future Generations'


(39) 'On the Causes which operate to create Scientific Men' (1873), 11 146

(40) 'English Men of Science, their Nature and Nurture' (Lecture R.I.) (1874), II 145

(41) 'Proposal to apply for Anthropological Statistics from Schools' (1874), II 336

(42) 'Excess of Females in the West Indian Islands from Documents communicated to the Anthropological Institute by the Colonial Office' (1874), 11 337

(43) 'Proposed Statistical Scale' (1874), 11 337

(44) 'Notes on the Marlborough School Statistics' (1874), 1 1343

(45) 'The History of Twins, as a Criterion of the

Relative Powers of Nature and Nurture' (1875),

11126-128; reference to, 18

(46) 'A Theory of Heredity' (1875), 11177, 182-188 (47) 'Statistics by Intercomparison with Remarks on

the Law of Frequency of Error' (1875), 11 338 (48) 'On the Probability of the Extinction of

Families' (with H. W. Watson) (1875), 11 341-3
(49) 'On the Height and Weight of Boys aged 14

in Town and Country Public Schools' (1876),

1 11264

(50) 'Short Notes on Heredity in Twins' (1876), 1 1128-130

(51) 'Whistles for determining the upper Limits of audible Sound in different Persons' (1876), 11 215

(52) 'Apparatus for the Rapid Verification of Thermometers; now in Use at Kew Observatory' (1877), 1 1159

(53) 'Whistles' (1877), II 212

(54) 'Address to the Anthropological Department of

the British Association' (1877), II 228. (Anthro

pology, a department under Biology, founded 1866) (55) 'Typical Laws of Heredity' (1877), MA 6 (56) 'Hints to Travellers' (1878), 11 4, 23

(57) 'Review of Letters of H. M. Stanley from

Equatorial Africa' (1878), 11 30

(58) 'On Means of combining various Data in Maps

and Diagrams' (1878),11 284

(59) 'Composite Portraits made by combining those

of many different Persons into a single resultant

Figure' (1878), 11 285

(60) 'Composite Portraits' (1878), II 286; reference

to, II 212

(61) 'The Average Flush of Excitement' (1879), IIIA 124

(62) `Psychometric Inquiries' (1879), II 212

(63) 'The Geometric Mean in Vital and Social

Statistics' (1879), 11 227

(64) 'The Law of the Geometric Mean' (1879), 11228 (65) 'Psychometric Facts' (1879), 1 1233 (66) 'Psychometric Experiments' (1879), 11 233 (67) 'Generic Images' (Lecture R.I.) (1879), 11 295 (68) 'Generic Images' (Nineteenth Century) (1879),

11297; reference to, 11 212

(69) 'On Determining the Heights and Distances of

Clouds by their Refiexions in a low Pond of Water

and in a mercurial Horizon' (1880), 11 61

(70) 'Visualised Numerals' (Nature) (1880), II 242;

reference to, II 195

(71) 'Visualised Numerals' (Journal Anthrop. Inst.)

(1880), 11 242

(72) 'Statistics of Mental Imagery' (1880), 11 236 (73) 'Pocket Registrator. for Anthropological Pur

poses' (1880), 11 341

(74) 'Opportunities of Science Masters at Schools'

(1880), 11 344

(75) 'Galtonia (Hyacinthus candicans)' (1880), IIIB


(76) 'The Equipment of Exploring Expeditions, now

and fifty years ago' (1881), 11 34

(77) 'On the Construction of Isochronic Passage

Charts' (1881), 11 35

(78) 'The Visions of Sane Persons' (1881), 11 243 (79) 'On the Application of Composite Portraiture to

Anthropological Purposes' (1881), 11 288

(80) 'An Apparatus for testing the Delicacy of the

Muscular and other Senses in different Persons'

(1882), II 217

(81) 'A Rapid View Instrument for Momentary

Attitudes' (1882), Addenda lIIB 629

(82) 'An Inquiry into the Physiognomy of Phthisis

by the Method of Composite Portraiture' (1882),

II 291

(83) 'Photographic Portraits from Childhood to Old

Age' (1882), 11 302

(84) 'The Anthropometric Laboratory' (1882), 1 1358 (85) 'Conventional Representation of the Horse in

Motion' (1882), II 399

(86) 'Hydrogen Whistles' (1883), II 216

(87) 'Arithmetic Notation of Kinship' (1883), 11 354 (88) 'Medical Family Registers' (1883), 1 1359

(89) 'Outfit for an Anthro ometric Laboratory

(Privately printed) (1883), 1370

(90) 'The American Trotting Horse' (18$3), 11 399 (91) 'Table of Observations [on physical characters

of 400 Persons]' (1889), 11 378

(92) 'The Weights of British Noblemen during the

last three Generations' (1884), IIIA 136, 137

(93) 'Free-will, Observations and Inferences' (1884),

II 245

(94) 'Measurement of Character' (1884), II 268

(95) 'Anthropometric Laboratory arranged by Francis

Galton, F.R.S   International Health Exhibi

tion, 1884,' 11 370

(96) 'Address to Anthropological Section B.A.' [On

Inheritance and Regression] (1885), MA 11

(97) 'Regression towards Mediocrity in Hereditary

Stature' (Journal Anthrop. Inst.) (1885), MA


(98) `On the Anthropometric Laboratory at the late

International Health Exhibition' (1885), II 371;

reference to, 221

(99) 'Measure of Fidget' (1885),11277

(100) 'Photographic Composites' (1885), n 293 (101) 'Some Results of the Anthropometric'Lab

oratory' (1885), II 374

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