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OCR Rendition - approximate

of stars here and iffer utial $easare the the i s ty of as established, and bast mode of carry Durse of the autumn ?ireetor of the Paris to that in response the admirable star everal of the astro suggested that it ronomers of various to taking concerted complete map of the txrdingly to obtain the Royal Society" onfercuoe ; and as it 1 should be favourthat the conference d it would be neoes .Daomers who live in reply was requested.. Mouches's object to s of ter the recess, I ur Fellows specially eceiving their replies at undertne cireums in the name of the iggestion, explaining the understanding, ante with his intenbt attend the confer Mto the adoption M. Henry, but S open to discusad done to the Tecess, I obtained In these photohibited of the power ce of objects wholly a of the Ylelades was which cannot be seen ifference of power of 'ith the eye an object ere" with the plate, f light, feebleness of th of exposure, But my persons who have cation of the stars. who has sent us some tphs obtained by his i Cape Observatory, ovens of the southern i as to include the Durcbmusterang subsequently reduce mplete Argelander's Southern hemisphere. s nobly undertaken Lrs to anpertntending Pro before the wing regard to the the probability of a rtly held in =Paris to rnment Grant Come Royal society that take the subject into cted on this sugcesirope in the spring, xisulthimperaonally. ieen awarded to the her, Professor r Franz in thcoeticel optics i early tsars treated tlf a cantor y a~o, he fight. Fr~l had,with a celebrated laws of transverse vibrations, fnanaical theory which t t Nt+sarn,oR . „t s au , rn. V., ~y ruulp iuua4Vy tc t rsi..n. At the anniver dinner in the evening, Mr. FRAcci3 (IALT,orr, in returning honles for toast of " The Gold Madall£sts," said :-It is a on the occasions that the recipient of a Royal m .ld become egotistical and give so account of the influen that moulded his scientific r. I am g that I can do so briefly. To me, the first determining influence w a youtlltul spirit of adventure that goaded me c xgIore South Africa. I started in I850 with abundant raoral support from the Geographical Society,and succeeded, among other thin~s,in being the first to traverse Da nd, that country which has recently fallen under the protection of Germany, and where I saw enough of savage race.; to give me' materiAl to think about all the rest of my life, shortly after returning: home one of the gold medals of the Geographical Society was awarded to me. I was elected a member of their council and then their honorary secretary, in which capacity I energetically occupied myself in furthering new expttditions, in planning instrumental equipments, and devising arts or travel. It was a heyday Limo for ex pintoes. Almost Almost the whole of Central Africa and lust ralia wan unknown; historical Asiatic goo phy was litt lekno wnw adlarge lymisunderstoo d.Steamshi psa ndn ewmethods of sledgin gave hope of an unlimited range to Arctic dis covery. There was in every direction what Americans would call agreat " boom " of travel. For the part I had played in all this, I had the honour of be-in , elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in I . The ethnological aspects of geography now began to attract me more than the physical al ones. It was about this time that the fact dawn on scientific men that the key to the origin of soiet.y among civilized nations and to many of their unexplained customs was to be found in the habits of contemporary barbarians. I u1~3 you, as a specialist in heredity, that I am not speaking without reason when I say that qualities which I seem to have inherited through two of my grandparents gradually yielded precedence to those that I certainly, inherited from the other two. Recollect, please., that tests medal is awarded to me for " statietical inquiries into biolo?ical phenomena." I can account fully both for the statistics and the biology. You must, please, allow me the pleasure of dissecting, m3 self. On my father's side, I. know of many most striking, some truly comic, instances of statistical proclivity. I have in my pon many pounds weight of ruled memoranda books, severally allotted to almost every conceivable household purposc, which belonged to an aged female relative who died years ago. I al so reckon at least fl ve other remarkable instances of a love of tabulation within two degrees of kinship from myself. Again, as regards biology, I am sire there is a similarity between the form of the bent of my mind and that of my mother's father, Dr. Erasmus Darwin. The resemblance chiefly lies in a strong disposition to generalize upon every-clay matters that commonly pan unnoticed. I hav,3 myself' attempted seine of the very inquiries to which he had drawn attention, in complete unconsciousness that ho had done so. It was owing to this hereditary bent of mind that I w well prepare to assimilate the theories of Charles Darwin when they first appeared in his " ° Otigin of Species." Few can have been more profoundly influenced than I was by his ublications. They enlarged the horizon of my ideas. drew from them the breath of a fuller scientific life, and I owe more of my later scientific impulses to the influences of Charles Darwin than I can easily express. I rarely approached his genial presence without an almost overwhelming sense of devotion and reverence, and I valued his encouragement and approbation more, perhaps, than that of the whole world besides. This is the simple outline of my scientific his T tory . I conclude by assuring on of the pleasures I have in the thought that this medal a new bond, literally a golden bond, to connect me' even more firmly than before with the Royal Society. THE ROYAL ALPO I(T UALL. Yeatesarday a special meeting of the Royal Albert Hall Corporation wilts held in the wtftt theatre of the ~a11 to nisht c i Wednesday. the 15th i trustt the sue hm will bei trn~naferable will be PAID to the stooktwidevs or U Lo u aaad rein. dand wave i can be forwarded by Post to within the United m at their rink. For of r mission of dividend warrants by Viat can he obi Ian and W Bator. Limited. For the London end 66' (Li l t December. I a. W. 1 T SOUTH WALES GOVERSME TUBES.-rho Acent-(3aserai for New Soot I . that the London and Westminsterh ank bury. KC., will PAY, no and after the 1st January t YEAR'S INTEREST, this to London on that date,o issued by the Government of New South Wales. Coupons and e4aims for inns must be left three stion, and form for specify may cation at the Bank HA UL SAMUEL, Agent-General far Nes New South Wales Government omens, 5. Westrninn London, S. W., let December. 18a EW SOUTH WALES ' GOVERN BENTURES for £l,000.OX, twined under the Act. 31 Viet.. Na 11, of tt+e Uolanial Leg slature.W inster Bank (Limited). as agents for the Goo Vouch Wales, hereby ~ vc notice, that the F1 TEEl DRAWING of £20.401 of the above DEB&NTUILI will take place (in conformity with the terms of the r at the orllcm of the said Banta. No. 41. Lothbury, in `don, on Monday. the lath day of December next, holders of the above Debentures are entitled had sent. For the London and W tminster,Bsnk (L London, November 8, 1846. W. Ah B UNDED DEBT of SOUTH AUSTI BONDS due on the 1st January next, and th the same date, will be PA I D by the N®Uoeal Ban No. 149, Leadenbali-street, on and after that date, o'clock ; Saturdays between 12 and I o "clock. The li' then due must be left at the office of the uudersig clear days for examination, an4 will he reecived fro, It will be a convenience to the Agent-General if 14 send in their coupons during the tiret and second is, The Lists to so,omp any the anovo can now be ob: tlon either at the National Bank of Australaaalh street, or at this office. ARTHUR BLYTK, Agent-General to, of South Australia. No. 9. Victoria-chambers, Westminster. be; COLONY, of QUEENSLAND i 'Rurenaland National Bank. Limited, will Pi let proxtmo the it ALF-YEAlt'M IN 1'iltls$T, due the DE&ENTURE %served under authority of Colonial Leittslature, B9tb Vie., No. 24; 34th Via, No. 24: 39th Vic., No. 3 ; 40th Via, No. 19; f 425 Via, No. 10; 43d Via, No. 6, if endorsed rya also on those Debentures of the Loans of ILf Vie.. No. 8 ; and 46th Via, No. 161, which ha verted Into Inscribed b The Coupons must i da •s for examinati, n. It. D. BUCtIA No. 19, Lombard-str t, 11.0.. let December, IM. APIEt3 (NEW ZEALAND) HARB! LOAN (£'..OD,COC),-The Bank of Australaei Napier Harbour Board, will PAY on and of istJauuary next, the HALF-YEAitLY INTER date on the above Loan, at their ol%ee. No. 4. Tt between the hours of 11 and 2 o'clock igaturdays I must be left for examination two clear days before of specification can be hr,d on apptto.tion. PRIDnAUX BE The Bank of Austr la, Nov. 30, ltt"6. ' EW ZEALAND SIX per CENT. GO LOAN. Authorized by Now Zealand Ins IIALF-YEAR'A INTEiR88r due the 15th Decor, PAID on end after that date at tb, offices of the the colonies, Downiuq-street, London. S. W. The Coupons must be left for examination (bet 10 and 3 o'clock, t3aturdays before 1) three clear da; being made. '1 'hey will be received any day on an( 1st December, ls86. W !£STERN AUSTRALIA GC 7NSt'RIBED STOCK.-Tbo Crown Agent give notice, that, in order to prepare the half-year aboverventloued stock due on the 15th is BALANt'E.y of the several ACCOUNTS will be nitgbt of Wednesdny. the 15th bet, 153b. On and after Thursday, the 16th December, Transferable ex iltvi7~nd. is tat t mbert 1936. ROVINCE of BRITISH COTIUY f CENT. LOA' N, 18TH.-The flank of Priti th (' , on and after 1st January next, the HALF-Yf.ARR'; 1st January, 1867, on the Debentures, i uvd Columbia Loan Act, 1517. The interrot coupons r clear tiers for eaarninatlon, and facts for s)l iftl, hrA on a~ppiieeialen et the flank of Ilittleh Cole