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OCR Rendition - approximate

354 Discussion. relationship between the different races spoken of must also be taken into consideration. The ancient Britons and the Romans, though in a different condition of culture, were closely related, and there was no difficulty for the one to adopt the civilization of the other, but with the English and Zulus, and still more with the English and Australians and Tasmanians, the relationship is far more remote. Such considerations should give greater importance to the study of anthropology by statesmen and colonists than has hitherto been accorded to it. Sir RICHARD TEMPLE and the PRESIDENT also joined in the discussion, and Sir BARTLE FRERE briefly replied. On the motion of Professor FLOWER, seconded by Mr. RICHARD BIDDULPH MARTIN, M.P., a vote of thanks was unanimously carried to the PRESIDENT and to Mrs PITT RIVERS for their kindness in inviting the members of the Institute to hold the meeting at their private residence.