GABRIEL, 8, 32, 61 Ghou Damup, 154
- on Swakop, 26, 30 - on Erongo, 63
on Koniati, E3
--- on the Omoramba, 153 -- character, 78 -- case of honesty, 74 Giraffe at 'Tsobis, 33 - by Otjimbingue, 47 - good climbers, 93 - shooting in dusk, 158 Goats for their hides, 119 Gum from thorn trees, 51 - as food, 68, 164 Gun as spring gun, 174 - accident, 183 - to carry, riding, 184
- opinion of, Ovampo, 123, 201
FlA11Y, Rev., 40
- am guest of, 152
- after history, 195
Mans Larsen, first account of, 35 - see him, 37 - buy his cattle, 46
- in charge of broken waggon,
- detached to Bay, 152 - lion adventure, 162 -join near Eikhams, 188 - after history, 193 Herds of game, 9o - of springboks, 157 Hides (see Leather) -- for thongs, 113 -=- as food, 164
dog, water-skin, 7 4 Hippopotami, 98
Holes dug with stick, 48 --- in rock, 121 Horses bought, 7
escape, 12
- killed by lion, 29 - die of distemper, 47 ---- use in marauding, 49 Hottentots (see Bushmen, Namaquua) - at Walfisch Bay, to --- colour, 41, 75
buttocks of women, 54
---- disappear in half-castes, 75 - republicanism, 71 --- orderly discussion, 75 - marauding, 16o huts, of Damaras, 63 - Ghou Damup, 63 - Ovampo, 132, 135
Hyenas and sleeping persons, 54 - hunts, 77, 149
- bait for, with old woman, 54
ICE, 149
Interpreters, 13, 73, 74, 157 --- conversing by, 73
JOHNSTONE, H. H., 207 Jonker Africaner, 7, 43, 71, 76
attacks Schmelen's hope,
- Written to, 45 - answers, 51
-•- visited, 70, 155, 179
- further history, :C4
KAIITKENE, 40, 85, 86 - death of, 1: 4 Kaoko, 152 Katjimasha, 6'~