Cornelius, 42
- massacring Damaras, 43, 70 Crows at Walfisch Bay, 16 Cunene river, reports of, 133 - now well known, 209
DABBY bushes, i i
Damaras, general account of,114-118 ; see also the following scattered notices
- accounts of, at Cape, 5 - by Mr. Hahn, 41 - further history, 153
- caravans to Ovampo, 121
state of, in year 1876, 205 -• protected by Germany, 214 - their parent tree, 125 --- features, 6o
- nakedness disgraceful, 84 - chip their teeth, 9o - will not eat raw meat, 84 - fancies about meat, etc., 84 -accoutrements, 118 - fond of iron, 57 - huts, 63
- wives, useful informants, 102, 120
- reticence, 82
- impudence to weak parties, 101, 149
--- are not strong, 113 - sit up late, 67
do not eat salt, I II
- kill their sick, 68
- a dance after a murder, 55 tenacity of life, 41, 56, 68, 88
- imperfect idea of number, 81 no generalising power, 107
- recollection of oxen, 89
Damaras bad as guides, 107 -language, 5o, 54, 110 -want comparatives, 81
cannot pronounce the letter L.,
- sheep, 148
- dogs valued highly, 148 Davieep, 27, 190 - disaster with lions, 30 Distemper breaks out, 47 - Hottentot horses, 48
Dogs from CapeTown, 8, 148, 149,192 Dress and colours for stalking, 186 Drought this year, 155 Ducks, wild, 95
Duparquet, Pere, 208
Elephants kill a man, 103 - among us at night, 148
- going to die in same place, 159 -pushed into well, 166 - hair necklaces, 167 Elephant Fountain, 159 Emigrant ship, 3
Encampments, at first, 26
routine of making, 66 - signs of water near, io6 Erickson, 213
Erongo, Mt., start for, 59 -- reach, 62 Eshuameno, go Etosha salt pan, 123 Eybrett, 156, 157
Fog by Walfisch Bay, 23 Fowls in Ovampoland, 144 Frere, Sir Bartle, 212