Elephant-Waggon breaks down-Encampment made-Chapupa'a history-Savages versus Europeans-Ride on to the OvampoMethod of searching for Water-Damaras are bad Guides-Find some Bushmen-We start, but are ordered back-The Ovampo Caravan-Chikorongo-onkompd-Pronunciation of the letter LSalt, not a necessary of life-Damaras never eat it-Return to Chapupa's Werft-Arrange a present for Nangoro-Dressed and tanned leather-Hear of Kahikene's death-Damara Creed-Eandas and Omakuru-Ceremonies-Iluts and Finery-Chaunts and Music -Damara Language-Prefixes . , 99
Damara Helpmates-Marriage Tie-Caravan to Ovampoland-Yearly Traffic-Otchikoto-Improvised Chaunts-Reach an Ovampo Cattlepost-Archery Practice-The Parent Tree-We reach OndongaCorn, Beans, and Palms-Fruit Trees-Native Beer-Density of the Population-Encamp by Nangoro's Village-Cannot obtain Pasturage-Nangoro pays us a Visit-Ovampo Belles-We go to a Ball-Description of Dances-Charms and Counter-charms-Nangoro's Palace-The Great River-Prospects-The King is crowned -His Lawful Successors-The Qusen's Duties--Ovampo Dentists -Surgical Practice . , 119
We are ordered to return-Hesitation-The Slave D.alings hereFuture of Ovmnpoland-A Field for Missionarics-Best Way of getting there-Slavery and Servitude-Giving Men away-Arrange my Packs-Start Homeward-Leave Ondonga-The Oxen suffer severely-Reach Okamabuti-The Wagggons are Safe-Start for Omaramba-Okavare-Elephants visit us-Ice every Night-Pass Omagunde-Reach Barmen . . , 137
The Waggons are condemned-Messengers to the Cape-The KaokoHistory of Damaraland--Ghou Damup.Genealogies-Start for Elephant Fountain-Excessive Drought-Engage Eybrett-Sell my Ca-t and Mules-Travel from Eikhams-Shooting Giraffes in the Dusk--Elephant Fountain-Numerous Pitfalls-Plundering Expeditions-The Kubabees reach 'Ngami-Trouble of taking Observations