?A 'F,
of Missions-Native Feuds-Dislike to Missions-Obstruction to Travellers-Write to Jonker-Buy Oxen from Hans-Breaking them in-Attacks of Distemper-Complete my Encampment-Digging I-Ioles-Native Hunting-Oxen sent to the Bay-I go to Barmen -Damara Thorn Trees-Jonker writes to me-My Plans-The Ovarnpo-First Rain-Hottentot Beauties-Hyena's InsolenceDamara Ferocity-Cruel Murder-Mutilated Victim-Message to Chiefs-Their Replies 36
I go to meet the Waggons-Start forErongo-En route-Damara Features -Gabriel in a Scrape-The Mountain Erongo-Chase ZebrasGhou Damup Huts-A Black Coquette-Return to Waggons-Leave Otjimbingud-Mishaps-How to Encamp and Water Oxen-Arrive at Barmen, thence to Schmelen's I-lope-Ride to Eikhams-A Doomed Sufferer-Visit Jonker-Conference with Him-Swartboy and Amiral-Ride on to Rehoboth-Umap's Judgment-Obtain Interpreters-Return to Rehoboth-Murder a Dog and Pay for itConference at Eikhams-Legislating-Proposed Conference-Mules run quite away-Schmelen's Hope-Dates
Personnel-Commissariat-Daily Allowances-Start on the Expedition -Damara Obtuseness -Inability to Count-Information withheldKahikend sends to us-Arrive on the High Table-Land-Superstitions on Food-Meet Kahikene-His Difficulties-Gives me Advice -Information about the Road-Four Oxen Stolen-The Culprits are Punished-Recognising lost Oxen-Hear of another RoadReach Omatoka-African Puma-Eshuameno-Chipping the Front Teeth-View from the I-Ii11-Ja Kabaca-Climb Omuvereoom-A Snake-Seriously obstructed by the Thorns-Reach OtjironjubaHow to make Soap-We catch some Bushmen-Learn a little and Travel on-Doubts about our Route-Arrive at a Werft-Are guided onwards-Omanbondb-Ilippopotami
Mistake a Lion for an Antelope-Explore a roars-Reach Palms-Return and bring the Waggons-Experiences of African travel-Guide decamps and we find another-Settle at Okamabuti--The first