Sykes, Daniel, 74
Joseph, 74
Svmonds, John Addington, 65
I. Combinations of Ability and Environment, xxiii
11. Ability Independent of Environment, xxiv
III. Ability Correlated with Environment, xxv
IV. Abbreviations, xxvii
V. Number of kinsfolk in One Hundred Families who survived Childhood, xxx
VI. Comparison of Results with and without Marks in the Sixty-five Families, xxxvii
VII. Number of Noteworthy Kinsmen recorded in 207 Returns, xl
" Tales for Children," 57
Talbot, C. R. M., 46
W. H. F., 46
Talbotype process, 47 Taschereau, Cardinal E. A., 58 Hon. H. E., 58
Hon. J. T., 58
Hon. Sir Henri T., 58 Taunton, first Baron, 4 Telescope, reflecting, at Parsons
town, 52
Thames Plate Glass Company, 5 Thebes, Israelite War at, 53 Thonis, William, 25
Thomson, Professor James (civil engineer), 8, 69, 81
Professor James (matheiuat.ician), 8, 69, 81
John, 69
William, Lord Kelvin, 68, 8r
" Thornliebank Co.," i i
Thornycroft, Mary, 70 Sir John I., 70, 84 Thomas, 70, 84
W. Hanio, 70
" Time and Faith," 32 " Times," 61, 62
Tippoo Sultan, reduction of, 30 Tomes, Charles S., 70,82 Sir John, 71, 82
Robert Fisher, 71
Trail, John Arbuthnot, 72 Professor James W.'_II., 71, 82 Samuel, 71, 82
Transportation, Bill abolishing, 5 " Trapdoor Spiders," 46 "Tribune," 50
Tuam, Bishop of, 6r
"Tyson's Pygmies of the Ancients," 77
Unconscious brain-work, abnormally developed powers ofgenius, xvii
Vatcher, Marion, 39
Rev. Sydney, 39
"Veldt in the Seventies, On the,"
"Venn, Family Annals," 74 Venn, Henry (1725-1797), 73
Henry (x796-1873) 73, 82
John (1759-1813) 72
John (18o2-189o), 73 John (b. 1834), 72, 82 Richard, 74
Vicars, Major-General Edwar(l,
Victoria, bust of, 70
Vittoria Colonna, Life of," 57
Vortex water-wheel," 69
Wales, number of counties of, xii Warington, George, 75
Robert, 75, 81
Professor Robert, 75, 81 Warren, Major - General Sir
Charles (1798-1866), 76
General Sir Charles (b. 184o),
Vice-Admiral Frederick, 76
John (Dean of Bangor), 76
John (mathematician), 77
Dr. Pelham, 76
Dr. Richard (T731-I797),77
Dr. Richard (h. 1876), 77 Waterford, Archdeacon of, 43 Waterloo, Battle of, 58 Waterlow, Sir Ernest, 32
Sir Sydney H., 32
Wealth, effects of, in producing
noteworthiness, xxi Wedgwood, Hensleigh, 19
Josiah, r8, 19
Julia, 19
Thomas, 18
Wellesley, 64
Wellington, bust of Duke of, 70 Wells, Dean of, 6r " Westminster Review," 32 Wheler, Edward G., 23 Whitbread, maiden name of the
Hon. Lady Grey, 4
Who's Who," xii, xiv
"Wild Flowers Worth Notice,"