Scott, Professor Hercules, 72 George Digby, 61
Sir George Gilbert, 59, 84 George Gilbert, 6o Giles Gilbert, 6o Henry George, 6o
James George, Archdeacon
of Dublin, 61
James Smyth, 61
John, Lord Eldon, 13, 30 Sir John, 33
John Pendred, 6o
Ven. Melville H., Archdeacon
of Stafford, 6o
Robert Henry, 6o Canon Thomas, 6o
Thomas (Biblical commen
tator), 59
Thomas (of Queen's College,
Cambridge), 59
William, Lord Stowell, 13,
" Scottish Character and Scenery,
Etchings Illustrative of," 25
Secret history of family, import
ance of, x
Seeley, Sir John R., 15
Sex of one child no clue of import
ance to that of any other child
in sane family, xxxi Sibley, George, 71
Sidgwick, Mrs. Henry, i Simpson, Alfred, 5
Siphon recorder, 68
Sisters, average number of, for any person, xxxi
Social rank, effects of, in pro
ducing noteworthiness, xxi
world, vastness of, xvii
" Soil, Physical Properties of
the," 75
Sola, Abram de, 47
Somerville, Comm. Boyle, 78 E. (Ii., 78
` Sound, Theory of," 68 Smyth, H. Warington, 46
Major N. Maskelyne, 46 Specific kinship, forms of, xxvi ;
abbreviation for, xxvi "Spectator," 65
Spencer, Lord, 5
Spencer Stanhope, A. M. W., 54 John, 54
John R., 55 Sir Walter, 55 Sports, xlii
Stafford, Archdeacon of, 6o Standard of merit used, xiii Stanhope, John Spencer, 54 Stanley, Lord, 43
Stebbing, Rev. Henry, 62,83 Rev. T. R. R., 62, 83 William, 62
Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames,
Sir Leslie, 73
Stephenson, 6
Stewart-Wilson, Charles, io
Stirling, Anna M. D. W., 55
Stoney, Bindon Blood, 63 Gerald, 63 G. Johnstone, 62
Story, A. M. R., 45
Stothard, Charles A., 38
Stowell, first Baron, 13, 30
Strachey, Sir Arthur, 65 Edward, 64 Sir Edward, 65, 83 George, 65 Giles Lytton, 66 Colonel Henry, 65
Sir Henry (first Bart.), 64 Sir Henry (second Bart.), 64 Sir John, 64
Joan Pernel, 66
John, F.R.S. (geologist), 65 John, Archdeacon of Suffolk,
Joh, St. Loe, 65 J. Beaumont, 66 Marjorie Colville, 67 Oliver, 66
Lieut. - General Sir Richard,
63, 83 Richard, 64
Strahan, Aubrey, 67
Charles, 67
George, 67
Strain, severe mental, connection
between this and fertility, xv
Stratification, theory of, 65
" Structural Botany, Introduction
, StuttEdward, Baron Belper, 24
Hon. E. G., 68
Jebediah, 23
Joseph, 25
William, 24
Strutt, John W., Lord Rayleigh,
68, 81
Hon. Robert J., 68, 81
" Student's Modern Europe," 41 Success in obtaining Fellowships
of Royal Society, xii ; how
achieved, xviii, xix ; factors
producing, xx
"Sun and Stars, Physical Consti
tution of," 62
Surnames as affecting knowledge
of distant kinsmen, xxxviii