bro, Joseph Morthland Cotterill, D.D. (hon. causa), St. Andrew's University.
• son, Henry Cotterill, Senior Wrangler, 1835 second classic, Fellow of St. John's Coll., Cambridge ; Bishop of Edinburgh.-[" Grad. Cant."]
bro son, Joseph M. Cotterill (b. 1851), Surgeon to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, Lecturer at Edinburgh School of Medicine.-[" Who's Who."]
bro son, Arthur Cotterill, Head of Permanent Way Department Egyptian Railway Administration.
• bro son, Thomas Cotterill, third wrangler, 1832 ; fellow of St. John's Coll., Cambridge ; one of the earliest members of the London Mathematical Soc., to which he contributed many papers of importance.-[" Grad. Cant."]
George Howard Darwin (b. 1845), F.R.S., second wrangler, 1868; Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy, Cambridge ; author of many papers in the " Philosophical Transactions " relating to tides, physical astronomy, and cognate subjects ; President of British Association in 1905 at Cape Town.[" Who's Who."]
• fa fa, Erasmus Darwin, M. D., F.R.S. (17311802), physician, poet, and philosopher ; author of " Botanic Garden," " Zoonomia," and other works, in which he maintained a view of evolution subsequently expounded by Lamarck.-[" Life," by Ch. R. Darwin, and " Dict. N. Biog."]
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