missioner British Medical Association; recipient of many gold medals and prizes of importance. -[" Who's Who."]
• fa fa, Peter Copeman, founder, with his brother Robert, of Copeman's Bank, Aylsham, Norfolk (now incorporated with Barclay's) ; successful merchant.
fa, Arthur Charles Copeman, M.B., London ; gold medallist in anatomy and physiology, University of London ; entered Army Medical Service on the nomination of the Chancellor of the University ; subsequently entered the Church, and became Hon. Canon of Norwich Cathedral ; for many years Chairman of Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, and of Norwich School Board and Board of Guardians.
• bro, Edward Copeman, M.D., Aberdeen ; President British Medical Association ; consulting physician to Norfolk and Norwich Hospital ; author and inventor of gynaecological instruments and of special methods of operation.
James Henry Cotter) l l, F.R.S. (6. 1836), Lecturer and subsequently Vice-Principal of the Royal School of Naval Architecture, South Kensington ; Professor of Applied Mechanics at the Royal Naval Coll., Greenwich, 18731897. ["Who's Who."]
• bra, Thomas Cotterill, eminent clergyman at Sheffield ; A.B., Cambridge, i8oi.--["' Grad. Cant."]