Geological Soc. of Ireland ; Director of "Trinity Coll. Museum, 1844.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]
bro, Valentine Ball, LL. D., C. B., F.R.S. (18431895) ; on staff of Geological Survey of India, 1864-1880 ; Prof. of Geology and Mineralogy in the University of Dublin, 1880-1882 ; Director and Organizer of National Museum, Dublin, 1882-1895 ; author of "Jungle Life in India," of an elaborate treatise on the economic geology of India, and of "Diamonds and Gold of India." [" Obit. Notice,
P. R.S.," 1895-]
bre, Sir Charles Bent Ball, M.D., 1\I.Ch., F. R. C. S. I ., Hon. F. R.C. S., England ; Regius Professor of Surgery, Univ. of Dublin ; Surgeon to Sir Patrick Dun's Hospital, and Honorary Surgeon to the King in Ireland ; author of various surgical works.-[" Who's WVho."]
vie bvo son, Ames Hellicar, the successful manager of the leading bank in Sydney, N. S.W.
Thomas George Baring, first Earl of North
brook (1826-1904), P.C., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S. ; Under-Secretary of State for India, Home Department, and for War ; Viceroy of India, 1872-187 6 ; First Lord of the Admiralty, 188o-i885.-[" Who's Who," and " Ency. Brit. "]
f z fa fa, Sir Francis Baring (1710-18 T 0), Chair
man of East India Company, 1792-1793 ; created baronet 179J.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]