si, Evelyn, wife of Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S., and mother of Hon. Robert John Strutt. F. R. S. (q. v.).
me bro, 3rd Marquis of Salisbury, Robert A. T. Gascoigne-Cecil (1830-1903), K.G., P.C., etc., F.R.S. ; eminent statesman ; Prime Minister, 1885-1886, 1886, 1895-1903 ; Chancellor of the University of Oxford ; President of the British Association, 1894 ; in earlier life essayist and critic ; also an experimenter in electricity.
It is difficult to distinguish those in the able family of the Cecils whose achievements were due to sheer ability from those who were largely helped by social influence. A second me bro and five me bro sons are recorded in " Who's Who."
Sir Robert Stawell Ball, LL.D., F.R.S. (b. 1840), Lowndean Prof. of Astronomy and Geometry, Cambridge ; Fellow of King's College, Cambridge ; Member of the Council of the Senate ; Director of the Cambridge Observatory since 1892 ; Royal Astronomer of Ireland, 18741892 ; Ex-President of Royal Astronomical Soc., Mathematical Assoc., and of Royal Zoological Soc. of Ireland ; author of many works on astronomical, mathematical, and physical subjects.-[" Who's Who."]
fa, Robert Ball (I802-1857), Hon. LL.D., Trinity Coll., distinguished naturalist ; Secretary of Royal Zoological Soc. of Ireland ; President of