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Edgington's three-poled tents (fig. 5). After these I should choose a small marquee (fig. 3); but it is less secure in wind, and the pitch of its roof

is bad for rain, and the numerous straggling tent-ropes are objectionable.

A pyramidal tent

(fig. 6), of seven or nine feet in the side, is remarkable for its sturdiness : it will stand any weather, will hold two people and a

fair quantity of luggage besides ; it weighs from 25 to 40 lbs. It is not a good tent for hot weather, for it is far too stuffy,

though by taking an additional joint to the tent-pole, and using tent-ropes (as may also be done with any other kind of tent), it may be made more airy by being raised up, and by having walls added to it (fig. 7). In default of canvas, the walls may be constructed of other materials. (See " Materials for Huts.")

Tent Pitched over an Excavation.-A hole may be dug deeply beneath the tent floor, partly for the purpose of a store-room, and partly for that of a living-room when the weather is very inclement. This was practised before Sebastopol in the manner shown in the fig: p. 158. The notched pole acts as a ladder for ascending from below.

Jourts.-The Kirghis jourt is. a capacious, solid, warm, and fireproof structure, that admits of being pitched or taken to pieces in an hour, and withstands the cold and violent winds

Fig. 5.

Fig. 7.

Fig. 6.