Francis Galton Bibliography: Contributions to Books

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18 items.
Facsimile Anthropology 1877 The Limits of Audible Sound Conferences held in connection with the special loan collection of scientific apparatus, 1876 Vol 1: Physics and Mechanics, Chapman and Hall
Facsimile Anthropology 1892 [Sections on 'Causes that limit population', 'astronomy', 'communications', 'statistics', 'population'] Notes and Queries on Anthropology (second edition). British Association for the Advancement of Science : 208, 221,226, 229
Facsimile Anthropometry 1883 Brief notes for consideration: Skin-sensation Skin Epithelial Organs Vol. I.
Anthropometry 1888 On head growth in students at the University of Cambridge. Cambridge Anthropometry Harrison and Sons
Facsimile Geography 1855 Notes on Modern Geography. Cambridge Essays contributed by Members of the University J. W. Parker, London : 79-109
Facsimile Geography 1861 'Visit to North Spain at the time of the eclipse.' Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travel in 1860. Macmillan, London. : 422-54
Facsimile Geography 1877 On means of combining various data in maps and diagrams. Conferences held in connection with the special loan collection of scientific apparatus, 1876: Vol 2. Chemistry, Biology, etc. Chapman and Hall, London. : 312-5
Facsimile Inventions 1892 Quincunx, Trace Computer of Vapour Tension, and Drill Pantagraph. Katalog Mathematische und Mathematisch-Physikalischer Modelle, Apparate und Instrumente Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung : 154-5, 164-8, 232-4, Part III 6
Facsimile Misc. 1908 [Reminiscenses of Herbert Spencer] Life and Letters of Herbert Spencer Volume 2 Appleton, NY : 262-4
Personal Identification: Fingerprints 1894 [Evidence in] [Report of the Departmental Committee on] Identification of habitual criminals 1893-4 HMSO C.7263
Facsimile Religion 1876 Statistical inquiries into the efficacy of prayer. The Prayer Gauge Debate Congregational Publishing Co., Boston.
Facsimile Statistics 1885 A common error in statistics. Jubilee Volume of the Statistical Society Edward Stanford, London. : 261
Facsimile Statistics 1885 The application of a graphic method to fallible measures. Jubilee Volume of the Statistical Society Edward Stanford : 262-5
Facsimile Statistics 1909 Preface. Primer of Statistics Black, London. : v-vi
Facsimile Travel 1861 Preface. Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travel in 1860 Macmillan, London.
Facsimile Travel 1862 Preface. Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travel in 1861 Macmillan, London.
Facsimile Travel 1864 Preface. Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travel in 1862-3 Macmillan, London.
Facsimile Travel 1900 Introduction. William Cotton Oswell: The Story of His Life Heinemann : xiii-xvi