172/12. FG's exercise book with a catalogue of 1891-94 fingerprints showing registered numbers. Exercise book with an index of fingerprints. Pink covered notebook headed 'Relative frequency and selected types', notes tables and calculations by FG.
FG's MS, notes and diagrams entitled `127
loops sorted according to their median ridges'. Corrected MS of FG's Supplement to Finger 1893
Prints. Pamphlet: Physical Index by FG. 1894 Notes by FG on E.B.Titchener's 'Relation of threshold of difference on thumb surface to fineness of ridges of the skin'.
172/13. Letters on fingerprints from 1888-1909
Alvarado, L. Herford, C.
Anderson, Sir R. Herschel, Sir W.J.
Angel, M. Hodgson, T.V.
Atkinson, R.W. Hutchinson, R.F.
Bateson, W. Johnson, E.S.
Bertillon, A. Long, L.S.
Black, C. Lubbuck, C.
Bowditch, H.P. Lushington, Sir G.
British Museum Macdonald, Sir C.M.
Buchanan, W.J. Masujima, R.
Cassell & Co. Raynes, H.A.
C ham berlain, B.H. Read, Sir C.H.
Collins, C.S. Richet, C.
Digby, Sir K.E. Royal Niger Co.
Du Cane, Sir E.F. Sergi, G.
Duncan, W. Simpson, H.G.
Faulds, H. Smith, J.P.
Fawcett, F. Sousa-Valladaren
Ferris, W.B. Tanner, H.W.L.
Forgeot, R. Thompson, G.
Goldie, Sir G.D.T. Troup, C.E.
Gray, Dawes & Co. Vucetich, J.
Greg, J. Wade, A.
Haddon, A.C. Wade, Sir T.F.
Haggard, A. Wallace, A.R.
Harvey, C.L. Wetton, F.
Hawksley Whipple, I.L.
Hendley, T.H. Wollaston, G.H.
Henry, Sir E.R. Woodhull Hepburn, D.
172/14. Notes by FG and cuttings from The Times 1909 about the controversial correspondence on Identification by Fingerprints