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172/1. Programme for FG's lecture on 'The patterns

in thumb and finger marks' given at the Royal

Society Nov.27 1890. Annotated offprint of   1890 FG's paper 'Method of indexing finger-marks' Proc.Roy.Soc. 49, 540-48. Reprint of 'Imprints 1891 of the hand by-tr. Forgeot exhibited by FG'

J.Anthrop.Inst. Feb.1892   1892

172/2(A-D). Data, working papers, FG's notebooks   1891-2 on foot, hand and finger prints and their classification into whorls, loops and ridges. Eighty-two letters from

Collins, F.H. Tedder, H.R. Galton, Sir F. Wilder, H.H. Randall, A.I.

172/3(A-G). FG's notes on fingerprints and methods   1888-95 of taking them. Photographs and specimen fingerprints sent to FG including those of different races and social groups. Twenty-four letters from

Atkinson, R.W.   Herschel, M.B.

Bennet, T.   Herschel, Sir W.J.

Buchanan, W.J.   Hodgson, T.V.

Butler, A.G.   Holden, H.A.

Collins, F.H.   Morrow, W.H.

Galton, Sir F.   Read, Sir C.H.

Grant, A.E.   Taber, I.W.

Henry, Sir E.R.   Weldon, W.F.R.

172/4(A-E). FG's working papers, one notebook on   1892 heredity in fingerprints, including work on paternal and maternal transmission, fraternal (not twins) and on twins. Fifteen letters from

Collins, F.H.   Hodgson, H.L.

Galton, Sir F.   Joyce, M.S.

Guineas, A.   Vernon, H.M.

172/5(A and B). Data, FG's working papers and a   1881,

green notebook on persistence in fingerprints,   1892-3 and on the Hooghly fingerprints. Four letters from

Herschel, Sir W.J.

172/6(A, B and C). Fingerprints of babies sent to   1895-1904 FG by Maud Gardiner Odell also fingerprints of American Indians, photographs and notes by FG. Eighteen letters from

Galton, Sir F. (types copies)   1897-1904

Odell, M.G.   ;915