158/2(A-P). FG's working papers, rcular letter, 1877-90 questionnaire, photographs and composite photographs of American scientific men, Baptist ministers, Bethlem Royal Hospital and Hanwell Asylum patients, Chatham privates, children, criminals, families, Greeks and Romans, Leeds Refuge children, Jews, Napoleon I and Queen Victoria and her family, phthisis patients, robust men, Ph.D.s, Westminster schoolboys. Two letters from
Lupton, Sydney
158/3. Newspaper articles and printed matter on 1876-87 composite photographs
159. Tracings from lead mould, cyclostyles and 1879, 93 drawings of profiles of criminals and others. Two letters from
Husk, G. Clarke, V.C.
160. Twenty-five photographs, silhouettes and 1886 thirty-four profiles by FG. Five letters from
Horn, B.
161(A, B and C). FG's working papers and notebooks, glass slides, portraits by E.Biggs used in his work on Analytical and Differential photo
162(A-M). FG's working papers, five exercise
books of notes, photographs of families, teams, schoolchildren, brides and bridegrooms; measuring scales, test types and models with the typescript of 'The Measurement of visual resemblances'. FG's notes and MSS on photographic reduction or enlargement in one direction only. Correspondence about resemblance in families.
163. Miscellaneous photographs 1881-83 Measurement by photography
164(A-J). Eleven exercise books with FG's notes, 1895-99 working papers, calculations, models, printed matter, photographs of racehorses, bulls, and FG's MSS of Photographic measurement of pedigree stock' and 'Measurement by photography'. Ten letters from
1900 V