148/1(A-G) (cont.)
Harrison, A. Parsons, G.H.
Horse World, The Patton, J.
Houseman, W. Patton, J.Jnr Hunters Improvement Soc. Reid, C.
Jones, T. Son & Harper Roy.Agric.Soc.of Eng.
Jordan, R. Roy.Commission on
Lloyd, F.J. Horse Breeding
Lowe, E.J. Simpson, Sir H.L.
Lukens, C.. Spaulding, J.G.
Meston, A.J. Wheler-Galton, E.G.
Moreton, H.J. Wilson, Sir J.
Newton, A. Wood; Sir H.T.
148/2, Fifteen printed papers on trotting horses 1883-99 and the measurement of horses by photographs
148/3. Measurements of horses taken at the Royal 1895 Veterinary College. Exercise book with FG's statistical analysis of the data. Twenty
three letters on horse measurements from 1895-98
F.Smith Cattle
149/1. Record
prize-win bulls, cows and heifers, notes by FG
149/2. Photographs and notes of pedigree shorthorns 1898-99 at Alnwick
149/3. FG's notes, MS and tables for paper on 1901 'Prizes as guarantees of subsequent success of shorthorn cattle'. Three exercise books and
one letter from
Sheppard, R.L.
Shorthorn cattle and tables of 1868-1901
Miscellaneous statistical papers
150/1. Programme of the 8th Session of the Inter- 1872 national Statistical Congress and a circular,
including an article by FG for the Council of 1877 the British Association for the Advancement of Science (Economic Science and Statistics Section)
150/2. Notes, diagrams and calculations by FG on 1875-94 the normal "requency distribution and the binomial distribution. Templates for the normal curve