142/2(A and B). (cont.)
Hooker, Sir J.D. Thiselton-Dyer, Sir W.T. Lankester, Sir E.R. Wallace, A.R.
143. Newspaper cuttings and articles from The 1891-97 Gardeners' Chronicle on heredity and variation
in plants. Three envelopes containing pressed 1884 wild flowers, grasses and mosses, notes by FG
144. Cutting fro Na c and two letters on 1895,97
regression and o c stability and FG's MS on the common primrose from
Merrifield, F. Thistelton-Dyer, Sir W.T.
145. Leatherbound notebook in unidentified hand n.d. [? G.J.Romanes] on experiments for grafting in animals. 12 pp
148. MS in unidentified hand on the advantage of n.d. bi-parental over uni-parental generation, annotated by FG. 2 ff
Pedigree dogs
147/1(A,B and C). FG's four notebooks,working 1897 papers, data cards on the breeding of Basset
hounds. Copy of printed lecture on reproduc- 1895 tion by Everett Millais. Fifteen letters on
Basset hounds from 1897-1909
Bell, T.D. Wynchcombe[?] Millais, Sir E.
147/2. Seven printed papers on Bloodhound breeding 1889-97
147/3. Notes by FG and 30 photographs of pedigree 1899 dogs at Crystal Palace show. Four letters from
Crystal Palace Co. Schenk, E. Kennel Club
Pedigree horses
148/1(A-G). FG's notebooks, card index, loose notes, pedigree records and photographs of American Trotting Horses and The Horse-breeding Show at the Royal Agricultural Hall. 107 letters
on horse breeding from 1892-99
Collins, F.H. Gift, A.
Ewart, J.C. Gilbey, Sir W.
Galton, Sir F. Hackney Horse Society