Heredity in plants and animals (1884-1897)
139. Proof and offprint of 'Report of progress in 1887 pedigree moth-breeding, with observations on incidental points' by F.Merrifield. Proc.
Entomological Soc.Lond. Eleven letters about 1887-91 the photography of moths and their measurement from
Elliot Bros. Reynolds, K.M. Merrifield, F. Weldon, W.F.R. Pridham, M.R. Wharton, W.G.L.
140. MS by FG 'A plea for experiments in the 1894 artificial fertilisation of mammalia: Fourteen letters about the artificial fertilisation of rabbits from
Heape, W. 1894-97
141. Two exercise books, notes, photographs and n.d.
a MS by FG on Fertility in animals. Three
notebooks and working papers on heredity in 1895-97 animals, the statistics of heredity and notes on measuring horses. Three letters from
Galton, Sir F. Wheler-Galton, E.G.
Evolution Committee (Animals and Plants) of the Royal Society
142/1. FG's notes, working papers, printed 1896-7 circulars and letters, agendas and resolutions in connexion with the Evolution Committeeof which FG was the first Chairman and W.F.R. Weldon the first secretary 79 ff and 1 black notebook
142/2(A and B). Correspondence on the Evolution 1896-97 Committee and on the need for an experimental farm for breeding. 129 letters from
Bateson, W. Lawes, Sir J.B.
Bourne, G.C.. Lowe, E.J.
Burbury, S.H. Lubbock, J.
Clarke, Sir F. Ludwig, H.
Collins, F.H. Meldola, R.
Darwin, Sir F. Millais, Sir E.
Darwin, Sir G.H. Morgan, C.L.
Darwin, W.E. Poulton, Sir E.B.
de Grey, T. Romanes, E.
Druery, C.T. The Royal Society
Ewart, J,C, Salvin, R.
Foster, Sir M. Sclater, P.L.
Galton, Sir F. Sedgwick, A.
Godman, F.D.C. Spencer, H.
Heape, W. Stephenson, C.