138/4. Incomplete MS by FG on race improvement [c 1888]
138/5. Notebook containing FG's MS of hue of 1901 Dunno Weir and including notes on Resemblance traits and Biometry, 37 ff
138/6. Bound typescript of The Eugenic ColleEe of Kantsaywhere by FG enclosed in a letter from [1911?] Mil icent Galton Lethbridge to Edward Galton Wheler-Gal ton
138/7. Galley proofs with corrections by FG of his opening Presidential address to the Inter
national Congress of Demography, 24 letters 1891 from
Booth, C. Mouat, F.J.
Burt, T. Newsholme,
Courtney, W.L. Ogle, W.
Edgeworth, F.Y. Poore, G.V.
Fox, S.N. Ravenstein, E.G.
Galton, Sir F. Russell, Lord A.J.E.
Hamilton, R. Schlosa, D.F.
Hendriks, F. Walker, Sir C.P.B.
Longstaff, G.B. Willis
138/8. FG's draft for a questionna re on the 1905 feeble-minded, notes by FG and copies of an advertisement for The problem of the feeble
minded by E.Fry, FG and others. Ten letters 1905-09 from
Dendy, Mary
National Association for the Feeble-minded, Secretary
138/9. Programme of meetings of the Sociological 1904
Society. Sixteen letters including proofs of 1904-05 FG's lectures 'Eugenics, its definition scope and aim', 'Restrictions in marriage' and 'Studies in national eugenics' from the Society
138/10. FG's notes and MS of 'Eugenic certificates' 1906
1313/11. Notebook containing 3 ff of FG's views on 1909 Mendel, a paragraph on eugenics and work and calculations on the measurement of profiles