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OCR Rendition - approximate

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137/10. Draft by FG of a proposed circular for   n.d. an inquiry into the effect of the modern system of competitive examinations upon the health

137/11. MS by FG of an address to The British   c 1888 Association, Anthropological Section on Marks in examinations for bodily efficiency, with a pamphlet and report of the Civil Service Commissioners

137/12. Circular for 'Inquiry into the alleged   1887 darkening of the hair of the English in the present and recent generations' by FG. One letter from Dent, C.T.

137/13. Three cards giving photographs and anthro-   1888 pometric measurements in the Bertillon system

137/14. Two leather notebooks with data and notes   [c 1.890] by FG on the 'circumference of heads of scientific men', one labelled 'Heads Cambridge'

137/15. Annotated typescript by FG and two   1905 offprints of his paper Anthropometry at schools read at the Royal Institute of Public Health

137/16. Anthropometric tables and pamphlets sent   1880-90 to FG by E.Hitchcock of material collected at Amherst and Wellesley Colleges

137/17. Notebook containing FG's list of anthropo-   n.d. metric instruments sent to Oxford, pp.27-45 only

Eugenics [a word dined by FG)

138/1. Notes on eugenics by FG, also his notes on   1884-1906 books by W.McDougall, Malthus and Weissman. MSS by FG entitled 'Purity of breed', 'The money worth to the state of the infant male child of selected parents' and 'Worth defined by class place'

138/2. FG's notes and a newspaper cutting about   1871-83 early and late marriages. Two letters from

Cobbe, T.   Fisher, J.G.

138/3. Exercise book with notes by FG on sexual

selection and heredity, and on the origin of

varieties 13 ff. Notes at the end on resem-   [c 1888] blances 3 ff