133/4. Working papers and 28 letters on Noteworthy 1905 Families between Fr, and Elderton, E.M.
133/$(A-D). Working papers, tables and data taken c 1905 from Who's Who and the Dictionary of National Biography by B.M.Elderton and E.H.J.Schuster for about 300 families for Noteworthy Families. Sixteen letters from
Bond, F.T. Nature
Cockburn, Sir J.A. Pertz, L.
Crichton-Browne, Sir J. RHcker, T.
Cust, L. Schuster, E.H.J.
Hills, A. Strachey, P.
Hutchinson, C. Urquhart, A.R.
Macdonald, T.F. Wilson, E.D.J.
133/6. Letters to E.H.Schuster in connexion with 1905 corrections in the records of families. A copy of Schuster's report on Noteworthy Families
133/7(A and B). Notes and MS by FG, proofs and 1905 typescript of the Preface and Appendix of Noteworthy Families. Six letters about publication from
Collins, F.H. Murray, Sir J. London, Univers t of
133/8(A-Z). Data for a second volume of Noteworthy 1905-6 Families, never published, it includes 146 letters and some pedigrees. The data is in alphabetical order of the name of the correspondent with pedigrees in Z.
134. Schedules, newspaper cutting, MS by FG, notes 1908 and 4 letters about sequestrated church
property, Nature 79, 308, from 1909 N
Bloom, H. Schuster, E.H.J.
135. Notes by FG headed 'Social stability ruling n.d. motives', 4 ff. FG's 'draft for circular (never issued) on social position of present householders and that of their fathers', 4 ff
136. FG's MS on 'Desiderata in hereditary science, n.d. and observations that might supply them' for an address in Paris, 15 ff
(see also 127)