131/1. Extract from minutes of the Senate of 1904-10 University of London on the Research Fellowship in National Eugenics. Copy of FG's will on the endowment of the Galton Laboratory. Papers, notes, newspaper articles, draft schedules and agendas for the Eugenics Record Office, the Galton Laboratory and the Research Fellowship. Prospectus for the Treasury of Human Inheritance
Fourteen letters from
Crowley, R.H. Poole, F.S.
Eichhols, A. Porter, A.E.
Galton, Sir F. Power, A.H.
Lee, A.E. Simpkinson, O.L.Y. London, Univ. of
131/2. Data cards used by FG for his work on the 1904 average number of kinsfolk in each degree. Nature, 70 529, 626
A eugenics investigation: Index to achievements of near kinsfolk of Fellows of the Royal Society, Sociological Papers, 1 (1905), 85-9
132/1. Newspaper letters about the Baring family 1904 and 14 letters used by FG for revisions of Index to achievements from
Baring, T.G. Hobhouse, Lady M.
Booth, M. Mallet, H.F. Burdon-Sanderson, Sir J.S. Markham, Sir C.R.
Darwin, Sir F. Palgrave, Sir R.H.T.
Darwin, Sir G.H. Roscoe, Sir H.E.
Darwin, Sir H. Strachey, W. Darwin, L.
132/2. Notes by FG and copies of FG's articles in 1904-5 Nature, 69, 294-5 and 73, 150-1 on nomenclature and tables of kinship `~
Noteworthy Fa 'lies London: John Murray, 1906
133/1. Several versions and a draft by FG of [1904] questionnaires on ability in families for the work on Noteworthy Families
133/2. Returned schedules including 90 letters 1904 giving the data for Noteworthy Families
133/3. Data, statistics, tables, notes and 1904 calculations by FG in connexion with ability in noteworthy families