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126/2(A and B) (cont.)

A copy of Record of Family Faculties completed   1884 by E.S.Smith.

A blank copy of Life Register   1888

126/3. Blank and completed application forms with

31 letters for the return of Record of Family   1895 Faculties

127. Two MS copies by FG and an abstract of

'Feasible experiments on the possibility of transmitting acquired habits by means of inheritance'. 'Brit.Ass.Report, 59, 620-1   1889 and Nature, 40, 610.(see also 136Y

128. Notes and calculations by FG on the greatest   1895 number of ancestral relationships of like degree, to a member of a population that has sprung from a single couple

129. FG's notebook about statistics on heiresses   [18971 and one letter from

Collins, F.H.

130. A cutting from Nature Jan.27 giving FG's   1898 A diagram of hereditary, annotated by Karl Pearson

Galton Laboratory and the Eugenics Record Office

From 1904, FG gave E500 annually to the University of London for the Eugenics Record Office, its staff and the Galton Research Fellow. Rooms were provided by University College London at 88 Gower Street. FG supervised the office until 1906 when he handed over to Karl Pearson. The function of the office was "to study those agencies under social control that may improve or impair the racial faculties of future generations physically and mentally". In 1907 the name was changed to the Francis Galton Laboratory of National Eugenics and the office was moved to the South Wing of University College. When FG died in 1911, he left the residue of his estate to the University of London for a professorship of Eugenics and expressed the wish that Karl Pearson should he the first holder of the chair. This wish was fulfilled. In 1963 while the Galton chair was held by Lionel Sharples Penrose the laboratory was renamed The Galton Laboratory, Department of Human Genetics and Biometry, University College, London